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Great civilizations and empires


Posted by dave3 on 2006-08-29 22:53:56

Interesting poll.But:

Scandinavia was never a civilization--it's nations were never sufficiently unified;and even taken alone,none of them ever had much beyond immediate regional impact,on the world around them.

Why aren't the Romans counted as a civilization--as well as an empire;they're among the greatest of both.The Etruscans are most known for having provided the Romans a culture to fuse with their own...whatever else we can say about them,the Romans weren't a culturally inventive people.

I think ancient Ethiopia(called Abyssinia)probably did qualify as a civilization of some kind;but so little is known of it,that many actually believe it had something to do with Rastafarianism...a recent, revisionist religion which has less to do with Ethiopia,than the Moabites have to do with modern-day Palestinians.

Slavs were never a civilization either;they constitute part of the Caucasian race--just as Nordic or Gaulic peoples do.The Huns were a semi-slavic civilization(merged with orientals);Russia unified,constituted a slavic civilization.