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Elvis vs the Beatles vs Jackson

The Beatles!!!

Posted by Phoenix141 on 2005-03-25 22:16:50

and what's up with beatles?? they're the best!! hey, where are all the beatles' fans??c'mon , vote for them!!

Posted by cj2004 on 2005-08-23 21:11:46

I don't care what this poll says, The Beatles are the most influential entertainers of all time. They have sold over 100 million more albums than Elvis and 140 million more albums than Michael Jackson. People may have there personal opinions, but the numbers just don't lie.

Posted by dhornjr1 on 2005-10-10 21:00:54

Does anyone else see the incongruity in that last Beatles message? All of the Beatles said that Elvis was their main inspiration along with Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Carl Perkins and a few others. So, if Elvis influenced the Beatles, and the Beatles influenced thousands of other artists, including Michael Jackson, doesn't that mean Elvis influenced all those artists , too? Plus the countless other artists out there who claim that Elvis influenced them. The Beatles copied other performers just like Elvis did. All performers take ingredients from other performers past or present and make it their own.

Jesus, people, deal with it. Elvis was the best, period. No argument.

Posted by Muffindude27 on 2006-04-27 22:36:12

Their is no way the beatles or Michael can even compete with Elvis. Elvis influenced the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Bruce Springsteen, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Metallica and over 1,000,000.

Posted by Muffindude27 on 2006-04-27 22:38:13

I meant to say over 1,000,000 Elvis impersonators. Sorry. Besides you have your figures wrong. Elvis has sold over 1 billion records. Sorry, the Beatles were great, but Elvis was better.