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Should never...

Posted by Dr.Smart on 2005-08-11 04:56:00

You should never kill yourelf, which is why it is illegal, and would be put in a mental ward. No calamity is great enough to cause you to kill yourself. Talk with friends, family, or people who want to help. If anyone is thinking of commiting suicide, please post in this thread, I am sure I could help you through it with talking. The: if you had to...part actually stirred in my mind...if I really had to, what would I do? Go down fighting whatever was trying to get me to kill myself, and if that did not work...painless poison, with sugar added to cola...hold it in my mouth and fake death, wait for person making me commit suicide to leave, and get up...worst case, I feel nothing. Of course I would leave a not, apologizing for failing to overcome whatever caused me to commit suicide. I think we could stop alot of crime if everyone took to heart one quote: Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Posted by RollingWalrus on 2006-04-30 19:05:05

Dr. Smart, consider this: You are an undercover agent working against an evil government. You have been captured and are being tortured. You know you will crack, and this will result in the capture of many of your friends. You feel the pill in your pocket, this is your last chance before they find it. And you would throw it away?

Posted by notmuchlonger on 2008-07-20 12:41:04

My way is to be in a suit and tie, approach someone who I know has a gun on them Pull a knife and have them shoot me in the chest to death

Posted by Malph on 2009-07-24 08:30:41

Me and my friend were (jokingly) talking about our ways if we were going to do it.

Her- Put on fancy clothes, blast christian music, and shoot herself (she was an atheist in a religious family, it was symbolic).

Me- I have epilepsy. I'd just stop taking my meds and let nature do the rest.

Neither of us were at all serious about it (which is why they were so weird).

And I realize just how wrong it is to joke about suicide and have come to the conclusion that I really don't care if it's wrong. So don't waste your time bitching me out about how it's bad to joke about something so serious and such, I really don't care.

Posted by fight starter on 2010-01-01 15:23:04

I think anyone who Kills themselves should be Tried for illeagal Suicide and convicted and executed