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Bush STOLE the Presidency (again)

democrat fraud

Posted by proud confederate on 2005-09-27 20:52:10

The obvious question is ,where did you acquire your figures?I believe you asserted,with no corroboration,that 95% of those casting CHALLENGED votes in Florida were innocent.Sounds like a vote total from pre-liberated Iraq.Did your figure come from one of those objective Michael Moore studies?You say that Mrs. Harris stoppoed the counting.You failed to mention that she merely halted the RECOUNT.Also,she was the Florida Sec. of State.She had the legal duty to certify a winner within a specified time frame.Actually, the Gore people intended to count and recount until the figures could be massaged to go thier way.None of you rather paranoid liberals ever mention the Gore campaign's effort to suppress military votes.Even today, the Democrats are chanting a mantra to avoid a picture ID requirement by voters presenting themselves at the polls.More soldiers DO vote GOP.More felons DO vote Demo.What about Kennedy's blatant theft of the Illinois vote in the 1960 election?Even Nixon had more class and,yes,patriotism than Forrest Gore.Fraud is the order of the day in the large Demo-controlled urban centers of the northeast.Demo fraud in Philadelphia probably cost Bush the electoral votes of that state in 2004.You folks need some adult supervision!

Posted by More Facts, Less Opinion on 2005-10-07 21:42:59

You are an idiot. People like you make me sick. I hope someday the light goes on in your head, and you figure out how WRONG you've been all these years. Go drive your gas guzzler and kill some more troops for oil, retard. And F*ck off, while you're at it.

And I'm Proud to be an amerikkkan... la la la

Posted by proud confederate on 2005-10-10 14:43:35

The sheer brilliance of your argument is very convincing.I can see that you are an astute scholar.You are one of the more articulate members of the Democrat Party.Mea culpa.

Posted by Dr.Smart on 2006-02-06 14:42:44

Since Gore filed for a recount within the time frame he was allowed to file for a recount within, it was the legal responsibility of the state of florida to finish the recount. Of course, they didn't. When it was stopped, 4/5 of the recounts showed that Gore was ahead. Yet Bush won, go figure.

Posted by shutupplease on 2006-04-16 09:32:17

The poll is not even worth taking. The questions and answers are so horrendously biased that you will only get people to finish it who agree with you.

"More fact, less opinion" is an admirable goal, but one that you have come pitiably short of.