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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

Christian BIGOTS

Posted by Some dood on 2004-06-04 20:48:59

I think the most of you guys are Christian bigots....ESPECIALLY "somebody"

Somebody, the only thing that you have gotten right in ANY of your random anger spurts (which you claim is a sin....hypocrit) is that you are NOTHING. That is true.....because you're an $%!@. I'm not going to censor that...because there is no such thing as a sin, and there is no such thing as a god (i'm not going to capitalize him, he, or god throughout the whole thing....what's to stop me?).

How can you prove that god exists? You claim he created everthing....which he must be a jerk to have created someone as homophobic and hypocritical as yourself. How can this be proved? Because wait.....SCIENCE is the only thing that can be proved with logical reasoning. OOOPS! Besides, if god wanted to keep people tied to his religion, then why would he allow science to even HAPPEN??? Wouldn't he have something happen to the scientists of the world, so that nobody could be influenced by SCIENCE which you claim is part of the DEVIL because it is thought of by HUMANS?????? Wait....you're a human too, $%!@....YOU MUST BE THE DEVIL!!! No wait, because you claim that the only thing you do is listen to the bible....but yet you can't put any reasoning behind the bible, except saying that it's always right. However, the bible was written by HUMANS dumbass. That means, by your logic, that the bible is really influenced by the devil, so YOU must be a SATANIST. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are everything you hate. If the bible said KILL YOURSELF, YOU PROBABLY WOULD DO IT!!! Besides, how the hell can you prove ANY religion if they are ALL different and they ALL claim that THEIR RELIGION IS RIGHT??? WRONG!!!!!! No religion should exist...religion was created a long time ago to explain the unexplained....WE DON'T NEED IT ANYMORE!!!! SCIENCE HAS EXPLAINED IT!!!

Please respond to this, because I would really like to keep crushing you.

Posted by Chriswatkins1056 on 2006-12-30 09:53:25

It's interesting how a person who claims to have no faith in any religion is bothered by what some religious guy posts. I don't personally believe in the Bible, but that doesn't mean that there's no chance of it being true.

Posted by Wolf Man on 2008-04-04 05:37:15

Well let me start off saying that I am a christian. But let me also say that I support homosexuality. In fact I my self am gay. This whole thing about religon and gay marriage is so stupid. I belive that god made every thing for a purpose, even gays. Some people will say that gays were created by the devil, well last time i checked the devil cannot create, only influence. I belivie that you are born gay, in fact they have evidence that supports this, and if the devil can influence an baby, then we have more to worry about then this issue. There I have said my peace. And let me remind you that I am a GAY CHRISTIAN!.