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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

To somebody and any other religious dumbasses

Posted by Lillymon on 2003-12-04 07:04:03

Hmm... so the Holy Bible is the word of God huh? Can't trust the human brain because it's succeptible to Satan's will huh? OK, let's assume there was this perfect bible from God's own perfect mouth at the start. Pity it had to go through the corrupt human brain first to get onto paper. Double pity that it had to go through another few hundred wicked human brains to get translated and retranslated through umpteen languages. All while Satan is working his evil words into the bible, laughing at us as we take it as the word of God, as we move close to him, through his legions of religious worshipers with their corrupt bibles in their hands. All listen to the perfect words of God from this perfect bible! Halelujiah!

Posted by Wolf Man on 2008-04-04 05:39:48

Thnx you. I have alays agreed that the modern Bible cannot be taken wod for word. Granted I am Gay, and a Christian. So I support the godd thing of both.