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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

To everyone

Posted by Fiend of Rice on 2002-08-12 03:25:52

God loves everyone the same and both sides of this argument should stop hiding behind the Bible. The Bible is only a half-truth. It teaches about God and the love of Jesus, yet it is biased in many ways. To those who say we are nothing compared to Him, you are of course correct. Yet the Bible was written by the hands of a human, who was free to write whatever treacherous things he or she wanted. Also, translaters of the Bible may have mistaken or mangled what He has said. God loves everyone equally unless they have committed a sin, and if you say homosexual sex is a sin, then all sex is sinful. No person should have to put up with some of the demeaning and degrading comments listed on this poll.

Posted by Alzare on 2002-08-27 19:20:08

You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. It's great to see someone who has the ability to think for themselves, and has a far more correct understanding of God than most people. I applaud you.

========= In Reply To ========== God loves everyone the same and both sides of this argument should stop hiding behind the Bible. The Bible is only a half-truth. It teaches about God and the love of Jesus, yet it is biased in many ways. To those who say we are nothing compared to Him, you are of course correct. Yet the Bible was written by the hands of a human, who was free to write whatever treacherous things he or she wanted. Also, translaters of the Bible may have mistaken or mangled what He has said. God loves everyone equally unless they have committed a sin, and if you say homosexual sex is a sin, then all sex is sinful. No person should have to put up with some of the demeaning and degrading comments listed on this poll.

Posted by Trial and Error on 2002-09-06 13:33:56

I agree with you in the fact that God loves everyone equally, however homosexual sex is a sin because it is said that we are to have sex with people of the OPPOSITE sex, not with the people of the same sex.

Also, the Bible is the whole truth, not a half truth

To sum it up, homosexuality is wrong and sinful, plain as that.

Posted by christopher on 2003-01-31 04:40:24

========== In Reply To ========== I agree with you in the fact that God loves everyone equally, however homosexual sex is a sin because it is said that we are to have sex with people of the OPPOSITE sex, not with the people of the same sex.

Also, the Bible is the whole truth, not a half truth

To sum it up, homosexuality is wrong and sinful, plain as that.

Man, you really hate us don't you? I've noticed you have searched Mister Poll for this very topic. Why then, did God make me handsome, spirited, honest, moral with integrity, generous and compassionate? Why do so many people love me? If you are such an expert on the Bible, why doesn't it speak out against gay women? You have my sympathy and forgiveness ...

Posted by Wolf Man on 2008-04-04 05:55:07

^^^^^^^ That is a very good point. I never thought of that. Unfortuatlly it does say in the modern Bible that Homosexualty is a sin, I do not belive this my self as I am gay. But i also have to say that I am a devote Cathlic. Yes th Bible is the word of god, but you have to remeber that god never physically wrote the modern bible, Mankind did. Mankind is imperfect and will add racism and hate, even into Holy Docturne. To those of you who belive Gays will go to hell. This is not so. The Vatican has stated that those who have lead good lives, and by that I mean hve been kind, understanding, and generous, etc. This does not mean you have to be straight, Christan, or anything else for that matter.

Let me give you tis example. Person One has given a lot of time and effort to charity. He spends a lot of the time at the Salvation Army, and soup kitchens. He even goes to church on a regular basis. He is also gay.

Person two. Never gives to charity. He claims he is catholic, but hardly ever goes to church. He damns people for there sexuality, claiming that those who are not like him will go to hell. And he is Straight.

Tell me which one do you beilve will go to Heaven. Shove that in you pipe an smoke it.