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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

Just some comments

Posted by Gale on 1999-12-13 11:16:39

Thanks for the note. It's hard to make polls totally accurate anyways. Even posting it on the internet makes it biased to the upper-class. I've had people comment about that with polls I've made.

Well, it's early in the morning, and I can't sleep, so I'm gonna talk about your poll a little. Did anyone else not feel like any of the responces fit their oppinions for several of the questions. Of course, on things like this, it's hard to include all possible oppinions, so I'm not blaming the webmaster for that.

Since I'm up anyways and a little bored, let me share the answers I would have put if you'ld just been asking this to me and I could answer as long as I wanted. I'd love to hear other's "long" answers too. Just kind of interesting to go deeper on these issues.

  1. What is your general outlook on homosexuality?

The closest answer for me was "i don't like it, but I can't judge. That's only half true. I believe that as a Christian I have a moral responsibility to look at what God says in the Bible and judge right from wrong accordingly. I do not think I have the right to judge individuals, as in, judge to condemn...only God has that right. I do believe that homosexuality is wrong and a sin against God. I do not think it is unpardonable...Jesus payed for that sin along with the rest of the rest, and will forgive those who believe in Him as he forgives other sinners. And about not wanting to be around homosexuals...if I had to not hang around people who sinned, then I couldn't be around anyone, even myself, because all have sinned at some point.

  1. What do you think of homosexual public displays ofaffection?

I find them saddening...it makes my heart ache, because I know that by sinning they pull themselves further away from God, and are hurting themselves. It especially bothers me to see friends do this, because I know what they're doing is going to hurt them, and I feel so helpless to do anything about it. It's like watching someone who has lung disease keep on smoking...so addicted to something that's harming them. So, no, I can't stand to be around it...but for different reasons then a lot of people.

  1. What do you think about gay parades?

About the same way I do about seeing homosexual PDA's. It's flaunting sin, but most of them don't know it's sin...it's heartsickening.

Posted by edna on 1999-12-26 01:50:54

For one thing, exactly WHERE in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is a sin? I'm sick of people saying "The Bible says it's wrong!" and not having the passage to back it up. That irritates me. And for another, who are you to say that someone expressing their love for another person is harming them? Oh, wait. It's not just another person. It's someone of the same sex. Let me refresh your memory. Also in the Bible, it says "Love thy neighbor." If it also says that it's an abomination to love someone just because they're of the same gender, then God was a contradictory little bugger, wasn't he? Love is love, darling, and it comes in all forms. It is not someone's choice as to what kind a person gives to someone of the same sex. Bible-thumping Christians such as yourself would rather see a human burned at the stake for having romantic feelings for someone of the same gender than someone who viciously murdering human beings. What's worse? Showing God's love- no matter to whom you show it- or playing God and taking away a human being?

Posted by mina on 1999-12-29 20:04:00

Although I do admire the calm and rational approach to take to stating your opinion, I feel that your opinion is a biased one on the grounds that it is Christian based. If you have seen other messages I have left on this site, you can probably guess that I'm not a religious person, so my opinion is very different from yours. I do believe that there is no right or wrong in one's feelings or opinions, it just makes me sad that someones beliefs can make another human life so difficult and miserable. There is so much more to a person than their sexuality, so why should someone be defined by that? I will take up your offer and answer these questions.

  1. What is your general outlook on homosexuality?

I feel that homosexuals do NOT choose to be that way, anymore than I CHOOSE to be attracted to men. Personally I am attracted to tall, skinny, white men. I don't know WHY I like that type, I certainly didn't sit down and say, "I think I'll be attracted to This kind of person". Also, I don't believe that someone would choose to be a social outcast. If they did choose it, then why do the "closets" try to hide it? I guess the bottom line is that even gay people are people none the less, and in my experience, are some of the most open minded and cool people to know.

  1. What do you think of homosexual public displays ofaffection?

I don't like public displays of affection at all. Heterosexuals included. I don't mind seeing a couple, gay or straight, holding hands, hugging, or having arms around one another in public. But some people take it too far. I have seen more straight couples who I feel need to "get a room" than gay couples anyway. I think that we are free to love whoever we deem worthy, and if you want the world to know it, than I see no problem with that.

  1. What do you think about gay parades?

Well, parades are nothing but flaunting something you're proud of. I think it is important to be proud of who you are. That is the only way a person can be happy. How many mentally stable people hate any part of themselves. Before anyone can love you, you have to love yourself, and I support that whole heartedly.

i know that Christian people disagree with what I say and feel my soul is damned, but you need to realize that not everyone thinks the same way you do, and just because you believe in God, heaven, and hell, you don't need to try to force me to accept it too. I think that anything that is lawful in this country should not be Christian based, because it is FORCING non-christians to live a Christian life. I'm not saying that homosexuals and christians are mutually exclusive, just that our government should be!

Posted by Creator of the poll on 1999-12-31 15:49:59
  1. What is your general outlook on homosexuality?

I should have put it that way about not judging others, but actions in themselves. I agree with you, we have to be able to judge for ourselves what is right and wrong, but the Bible also explicitly condemns judging others.

  1. What do you think of homosexual public displays ofaffection?

Myself personally I think it's disgusting. I don't like seeing heterosexual couples making out in public either, but I think homosexual PDA's are even worse for me.

  1. What do you think about gay parades?

I think they should not be allowed because of the children and also others like myself who find it revolting. A Canadian friend told me the gays/lesbians were having sex in the streets in a gay parade, and I don't think kids should be around it (I don't want to be around it, either). If they want to do that stuff, they should do that in private and not out for everyone else to see.

Posted by The Creator of the Poll on 1999-12-31 15:58:44

For one thing, exactly WHERE in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is a sin?

There are many online Bibles, here are some passages:

Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20:13 1 Corinthians 6:9

That says it in black and white. The URL for an online Bible is: http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?

And for another, who are you to say that someone expressing their love for another person is harming them?

Well, if I had children, I would not want them to see it, and I myself personally don't like seeing it. I am sure there are things that go on behind closed doors that you would not appreciate being exposed to.

Also in the Bible, it says "Love thy neighbor." If it also says that it's an abomination to love someone just because they're of the same gender, then God was a contradictory little bugger, wasn't he?

"Love" and "Having sex with" is 2 different things. We are to love everyone, but we aren't supposed to have sex with everyone.

Bible-thumping Christians such as yourself would rather see a human burned at the stake for having romantic feelings for someone of the same gender than someone who viciously murdering human beings.

How do you know? I don't remember her saying they should be killed. I have homosexual friends very dear to me and I think they should have the right to live free from harm the same way everyone else should.