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Posted by FierceKatana on 2005-05-27 01:08:08

Because of race mixing and immigration, every civilized white country on earth will be reduced to a 3rd world hellhole. If you think any mulatto run society can manage the reigns of an empire, your insane. If anything, an empire might save us from our real problem - racial pollution.

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-06-03 02:47:36

Wow, a freak full of fear

Sorry, "racial pollution" is pretty low on my list of society's ills, in fact, it's not even on the list.

Guess the rest of us will occupy ourselves with war, starvation, poverty and the environment.


Posted by U S A on 2009-05-01 13:34:40

Don’t worry about hunger, obama has a feast every Wednesday.

You are NOT invited ▬ stay away!

However you are paying for it.

Menus consist of $100.00 per pound imported steak, the worlds’ most expensive pizzas, etcetera.

(Of course he imported the steak, you don’t expect an obama would want any American steaks do you?)

“ WHITE FOLK’S GREED RUNS A WORLD IN NEED ! ”—bàŕâçk ೫ಲšš¡êಗ öbámÃÂ