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Extraterrestrials -- UFOs


Posted by xNate on 2005-02-10 04:31:00

I believe that there are 2 types of aliens. One kind that want to learn about us, and are among us today in everyday life. And the other kind that wants us for experiments. So they can use us for reproduction of their own kind...Just an idea haha -.-

Posted by green_meklar on 2006-06-22 23:49:31

I believe there is one type of aliens. The kind that hasn't visited Earth.

Posted by Pedro the Purple Dragon on 2007-02-27 02:41:43

If your brain can't comprehend the amount of evidence there is of alien visitation, then I feel sorry for you.

Posted by tomdean on 2007-04-01 04:21:28

Pedro, I don't believe most of us skeptics doubt that there may be life on other planets. Rather, we wonder how they could have made it here, or how we could ever make it there, from so far away. Light takes about eight-and-a-third minutes to go from our sun to the earth. It requires over three YEARS to get from earth to the nearest other star. That's a ratio of over 200 thousand to one, if my calculations are right. Considering that it takes our (unmanned) spacecraft several days to go the 93 million miles between the earth and our sun, that would seem a bit daunting, wouldn't it?
