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Body Hair, do you enjoy or hate?

body hair

Posted by flash gordon on 2005-02-16 04:39:10

I have a moderate amount of body hair and I like it. Guys are supposed to have body hair. I think it's crazy that so many guys today hate having body hair, and feel some need to shave it.

I especially like having hair on my legs and arms. That's what men are supposed to look like.

Posted by HairyLady on 2005-02-21 10:33:06

Ah yes, my pet issue. My body hair caused me a great deal of misery in high school, but (probably as a reaction to that) I now love it, as does my boyfriend. Women are adults too, ergo we have hair too.

Posted by Average Dude on 2005-03-31 05:21:35

I have a lot of body hair and I like it. I would never shave anything, although I trim my chest hair and pubes a little just to keep them neat. I agree, I don't understand why so many guys are ashamed of their body hair. I think they are just brainwashed by the media which has tended to only show smooth guys. Young guys see that and think they are the ones who are abnormal because they have hair, so they shave it off. Although lately I've noticed quite a few actors in movies with hairy chests so maybe the trend is changing.

Posted by kindafreaky66 on 2005-08-10 19:14:26

I love women who are a little hairy - except facial hair and leg hair - bush, butt, arms, pits, nipples, happy trail - all great

Posted by missfuking on 2014-07-27 09:33:33

I like being hairy. I rarely shave my legs, have hairy arm pits, arms and my $%!@ is covered in pubes that sometimes hang out of my panties. I'm not changing it as I like it like that and shaving is more hassle than it's worth!