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Guys, is your younger brother stronger than you?

my younger brother is a giant compared to me

Posted by trey_n_tyler on 2009-04-13 01:37:15

hey all, my name is trey and im 18. my 15yo younger brother tyler is wayy bigger than me. he is huge lol. im 5'9 140 and he is 6'1 190. he wears a size 14 shoe to my size 7. both our parents are tall so i dont know how i ended up being the runt lol. for some reason i stopped growing at 13. i use to be really embarrased but now as weird as this sounds i actually am starting to like tyler being the boss haha. ive been calling him big brother since he was 10 haha. another thing that baffles me is his body is all natural muscle. he has never had to work out. i work out 5 days a week and im still soooo puny comapred to him. that is very frustrating lol. even so, still i have to admit its fun when we are in public and we trick everyone haha. you should see peoples faces when we tell them im the older brother lol. tyler has really gotten into it as well. he loves being the bigger one and the one always in control. he loves to lift and carry me around, that has become his favorite thing. he will pick me up and cradle me, carrying me around the house. if i fall asleep on the couch he'll scoop me up and take me upstairs. he also loves giving me piggy back rides, i'll hop on his back and he'll carry me all around haha. he just got his learners permit so i am always asking if he will drive me around. he likes that too lol. he likes being in charge of that too. i happily do lots of things for him, chores, whatever. i know it's best to keep him happy haha. ive had him give me nookies and wedgies, and they are no fun. he also can very easily pin me down and make me say uncle, which hes done that alot too haha. so i know its weird but hey, what can i do. if hes happy im happy lol.

Posted by Farezi62 on 2012-01-07 07:16:12

Wow, awesome! You both seem happy and enjoying this condition. Uhm, is this still happen now, 2 years after your post? In my case, I am the bigger-younger-brother. I'm 17 - 6'2 and my bro is 20 - 5'7. Well I really love to do those things (lift and carry my lil-older-bro). At first he was upset but maybe he knew that the condition can't be changed, so now he accepted that I am the "big bro" and enjoy my 'service' as his lifter LOL.

Posted by NameOrHandle on 2012-01-13 13:39:16

Haha, it's been a while since I've posted here, but it's finally happened, my little brother is now stronger, heavier, and taller than me. I am 18 years old, 151 pounds, 5' 10". He is 16 years old, 6' 0", 178 pounds. As you can read in my past posts we've been lifting and carrying each other for years, but now it's crazy what he can do.

A few months ago he managed to press me up above his head for the first time (it was really quick though).

This summer we were on the beach and wrestling/tackling each other in the water. At one point he put me over his shoulder and carried me back to the sand. I insisted I was still strong too and like a fool suggested we see how long we could carry each other on our shoulders down the beach. It was insanely difficult but I toughed it out for almost four whole minutes carrying him. But when I climbed onto his shoulders, I kind of knew already I was beaten. I was carried for a solid ten minutes, and maybe halfway along we past a couple of laughing older girls who asked him, "Is that your brother up there?" He said, "Yeah--my OLDER brother!" Sure it was embarrassing, but I guess I was pretty proud of him.

Posted by coopjd on 2012-02-22 07:50:09

Glad I found this posting as I felt I was possibly the only one on the planet with this big of an extreme and role reversal with their younger brother. Well, my younger step brother Jim is a complete giant to me and basically through both of us wanting it and our parents agreeing on it... Jim is now my big brother and I am his little brother. He is my big brother in every type of capacity and even though I am over a year older than him, due to him now being multiple grade levels ahead of me, extremely taller, stronger, more muscular, more athletic and way smarter than me..... He treats me like the younger brother and I am ok with it. I know he is going to push it a lot more sooner, but I am so far ok with all the changes.

Jim stands currently now 7'4-3/4" tall barefooted! He and I both tell people 7'5" tall as it sounds even bigger to people. With any of his shoes on he's taller than that anyways. Where the extreme comes in is that I am not even 5 feet tall. I stand without any shoes on 4'7" tall! Yes, I am beyond puny, tiny and short. With Jim's cross trainers on he is extremely close to being not 1, not 2, but three feet taller than me!! I am pretty much the size of a 5 to 6 year old to him. The top of my head is below his belly button! I have to look up to see his belly button now and I am pretty much level with his waist and eye level with his crotch! He openly admitted to me that once we officially swapped roles and titles that he wishes he will grow some more to the point in which I could walk freely between his legs or meaning that I'd be about mid thigh to him! Like I said, he truly is a giant to me!! I won't lie either, standing that far down to his incredible body is something that I actually now like and I am not upset, nor bitter about any of it. I am in awe of him. When I got to the point in which I was below his waist line he pushed the decision or issue of him taking completely over as the big brother with me and I finally convinced myself it was for the better and I always thought of him as the bigger brother anyways.

It started when he came back from a summer camp that he was gone 3 1/2 months for up in the mountains. He wrote me a couple times asking me how tall I was and had I grown any and that when he got back home I would be in for some surprises and I would have to look even further up to reach his eye contact. Before he left for the camp I stood about mid to lower way with his ever growing pecs. Yes, even at his age...they were pecs!...and getting bigger and more chiseled it seemed very rapidly. He told me he was using the butterfly workout machine and doing a lot of bench pressing to build his pecs even more. When he got back home I was out of town and when I arrived back home my mom and step dad told me Jim was out back in the pool and I better get ready for some big changes around here with him and to not freak out. I asked them did Jim get a lot bigger and grow a lot more? My mom nodded her head yes, and my dad who was super tall to begin with said that Jim was a great deal taller now and still had a lot more to go. I was sort of scared, curious, and excited all in one ball of emotions. Jim was my brother, and I knew he always would be taller and bigger than me...and he had been a grade ahead of me in school and then in middle school jumped another two grades ahead of me! I just wanted to see him and he was also my best friend.

I went to the back of the house and saw him in the pool swimming laps in our huge pool. I could tell that his body looked even longer than before, but the splashing and ripples in the water it was hard to tell. The first thing I noticed was his beach flip flop sandals were by the pool deck and were huge!!! I am talking like it looked like the sandals were at least twice the length of my foot! did put both of my feet together and his flip flop was still longer by 2 inches or more!! He finally stopped swimming and looked up and spotted me standing on the side of the pool near the side ladder. He swam over to it and then with a big smile started climbing out of the water on the ladder. The first thing I noticed when he grabbed the ladder was not only was he so tan and golden now, but how huge his hands were and how muscular even his forearms were! Then as he emerged his delts and shoulders were pumped and his arms were amazing with his cut biceps and ripped triceps! I could then see his pecs had gotten even bigger and like massive slabs of chiseled muscle! His whole upper body had that awesome "V" look happening and then I saw his incredibly ripped or washboard abs and oblique muscles. He was totally out of control body wise and was so damn young. He just kept rising up and up the ladder and his white board shorts seemed to expose a lot below the waist. Finally he was standing on the side on the pool deck and his legs were of course already tone, cut and sculpted! They were so frikin long, but muscular and powerful looking. I could not get over how awesome his calves looked and when I looked back up I couldn't believe that I was now well below his chest and pretty much eye level with the middle of his abs! I was not that far away from being eye level with his belly button! He got right close to me to the point in which his pecs partially blocked the view of his face when I looked up at him! He was like a giant at that point to me. I just stood there with my mouth open in awe.

He then looked down at me and saw my face and started laughing. He asked me, "well, do you think I grew a little?" I was speechless. He picked me up like it was nothing and hugged me even though he was complete wet. I could feel not only his biceps and forearm muscles but being crushed into his massive pecs! I just stuttered back to him that he was gigantic now to me. He asked me was I going to be able to handle him being this much taller to me now? I told him that it is very hard for me to see him as my little or younger brother when he has a body like his now. He told me he didn't want to sound cold or heartless, but he only wanted to get even bigger from here on out. He was absolutely huge to me. Two days after he got back, my parents told me they were going on a cruise for a week and that I had the option of either staying with my grandma or staying with Jim at home, but he would be in charge of me and be my babysitter. All I could think of no how big he was to me that he was still younger than me. I argued with my mom, but she had nothing to do with me and told me that they were not changing their mind. She explained that Jim is so much bigger than me and way more mature that he would be able to protect you and take care of you if something happened. She went on to tell that it would only be for when they were gone and they would call from the islands to make sure we were ok. I asked her would Jim be my babysitter for now on every time they went out or away? She was silent, but then said she will see how this all goes and I shouldn't get worried about it or upset. She said that regardless of the future for this trip he would be in charge of me and I did have to obey him and they told him that if I was bad or severely disobeyed him he could punish me or discipline me as needed. After I sulked for hours I agreed to stay with him. It was totally weird as when they were leaving they gave all the money to Jim, instructions on the house, the pool, the mail, and then I almost curled up in a ball and hid when I heard her talking about my bath time and making sure I took one each night and that I shouldn't stay up late on school nights. He then asked about discipling me if it was needed? She then whispered to him that he could spank me if needed and ground me and take away the computer and tv if I got out of hand. Once I heard that it totally hit me that Jim and I had completely for at least the temporary moment switched roles completely. He was in complete charge of me.

As the week went on we got along fine and I pretty much agreed to take my bath on time and go to bed on time. I could sense that Jim was enjoying taking on this new role a little more each day. He never pushed it on me, but gently remind me what I could and could not do. We had a lot of fun together and he bought me with the money some good snack food, candy and even a cool pair of boy's size board shorts for the pool. I could see he was liking this "babysitter" or in charge role a lot more by the 4th day. He also subtly was starting to show off his body a bit more to me or size me up with him. He worked out mid morning and by the length of time it was an extreme workout. I was already in the pool when he came out after his work out with his shirt off and only wearing his tight fitting board shorts. He was completely pumped and ripped! All I could focus on was how amazingly huge he was for such a young age. I swear he was even bigger than he was less than 10 days ago! His upper body was amazing and his lower body was of pure power and height! When we were playing around in the pool he would pick me up and curl me up and throw me way up into the air like a beach ball and I'd crash into the deep end. He could hurl me like it was nothing. I asked him did I weigh anything to him anymore. He honestly told me that I weighed nothing to him at all and was like tossing a feather. I freaked out trying to figure out just how powerful he was now.

After I asked him another question he blurted out "yes little bro!" I was sort of stunned, but actually liked it a bit. He then a little bit later called me "little bro" and "little brother" again. I then responded back with a "sure thing big brother" and I saw him smile in the mirror he was facing. I then called him "big bro" and "big brother" several times. The biggest push or test was when we went to the mall to see a movie and he wanted to buy some more clothes as he complained how tight everything is getting, I called him big brother in front of a couple of girls that were flirting with him and some of the jocks from the cross town private school. Shortly afterwards he grabbed me to the side and asked me did I know what I was doing because it's one thing if we kid with these name reversals with our selves, but it's going to be permanent really quick when you are calling me that in front of them. I looked up at him and then softly told him I know and that's why I was doing it and I thought it would help you even more with the girls. I knew I had surprised him, but I could tell he was totally enjoying it. On the way back home he told me how he wanted for the longest time to be my big brother as he always felt it and how he totally dug it that I called him my big brother and big bro. I told him that I always had felt since we were much younger that he was my big brother due to size alone from being so much smarter and ahead of me grade wise. He then surprised me totally by asking me did I see myself to him as the younger brother and him the older brother? I was completely blown away by the question, but it was something that I did think a lot about as he was right. I nodded my head and then asked the question of how much younger do you think of me as the "younger brother?" He paused a bit and then said, "a lot younger now that I have grown a lot more." He said he felt like he was practically an adult and I was like a young elementary school aged kid. He told me to not get offended, but he was being honest. I asked was it due to my body size or due to the grades he was ahead of me. He told me both and the hard part was that he knew he was only going to get bigger, taller and even way stronger than he is now. He came across at times $%!@y, but it was like his confidence level was growing as well. He finally asked me flat out could I handle it if he did become not only my big brother, but my older brother and me in turn be his little and younger brother? I told him that I had practically thought that for years already, but never said anything to him. He told me that honestly it was hard for him not to see me as his little brother now that I was practically down by his stomach and how little I was honestly becoming to him.

more to follow as when he kept growing bigger, stronger and taller his control over me grew too.

Posted by yorkshireguy on 2012-02-22 20:54:34

Interesting account, but it reads a little like fiction! You don't mention your ages. Do you think you and Jim will have 'fun' in other ways? You appear to be ready for these kind of changes too. Wish there were pics of the comparison between you.