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23 years of smoking

Posted by new rising sun on 2005-05-20 08:20:26

any of you who think you can smoke and quit when you want to...you are a fool,and you dont understand addiction,take it from me,a smoker of 23 years if I could change one thing in my life I would have never started,nevermind spending $3-$5 a day on them,addiction is no joke,I have been trying to quit for years knowing they are killing me,and I am not weak,I beat a crack addiction without treatment and cigs are even more addicting,I beat a meth addiction too.If I can get through to one person on how addicting cigs are then I would be happy.These damn things are killing me and I still cant stop.I used to run a 5 min. mile and now I cant even run a half mile,when I breath it sounds like a wind tunnel.I smoke and think cigs should be illigal,but I do believe as long as they are legal everyone is entitled to become addicted if they want,all you have to do is smoke everyday for a short time and the next thing you know you are hooked and on your way to an early grave.

Posted by .darthsith19 on 2006-08-07 04:08:52

Ever thought of going to a place that will help you quit?