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Yellowstone Buffalo

Would The Book Be Backed By Buffalo Field Campaign?

Posted by Marilyn The Deer on 2005-07-10 21:19:15

Yes, the book would absolutely be backed by Buffalo Field Campaign before it is published because of the consent of the author. Otherwise, there would be not point in writing the book in the first place.

The author has requested that its content be approved by Buffalo Field Campaign and has sent a copy of the manuscript to BFC (Buffalo Field Campaign) to review it.

If the content meets with the approval of BFC as is, and any Yellowstone rangers or former rangers and wildlife biologists who may be aware that their input is also welcome, then all that will need to be found is a publisher and an artist.

If changes need to be made so that the content of the book is accurate and would help the cause of protecting the Yellowstone Buffalo and Yellowstone National Park, then the author has graciously concented to make whatever changes may be needed.

If any of you who have been a ranger or a wildlife biologist in Yellowstone or Grand Teton National Parks, you can send you suggestions to Buffalo Field Campaign by consent of the author. The author would welcome your suggestions.

Send your suggestions to: bfc-media@wildrockies.org

This book is written for children age 7 and up and is also usful for educators and all adults.

The sooner the book gets out to the public, the sooner more people who visit the area will become aware that something needs to be done and can be done to protect the Yellowstone Buffalo for future generations.

Please contact: buffalo@wildrockies.org

for details about their work and what needs to be done.

The book was written from the author's perspective and from how her experience with the Yellowstone buffalo issue has touched her personally.

Thank You For Your Concern