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Who is the best tennis player nowdays

Not a hard question

Posted by xxflipxstylezxx on 2005-07-01 01:29:00

Your poll results obviously lean towards Roger Federer, and I think it should. Nowadays, it seems like the top players all have one thing going for them (Andy Roddick's power, Tim Henman's volley, etc.). However, Roger Federer has a style that is multi-purpose, and does not lean towards any one aspect of the game. I respect his ability to stay calm in most situations and admire his anticipation, quickness, and uniqueness of shotmaking variety. He clearly dominates tennis right now, and I commend any player who beats him. Although his career record may include over 100 losses, those were when he was out of his prime, and now you can see that at the #1 ranking, he's only lost 4 matches, 1 of which was a doubles match. Let's see if he loses a match here at Wimbledon '05 with the semis and the final left for him.