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Cloning Right vs. Wrong

I have a clone

Posted by jtur88 on 2005-12-20 16:26:16

I have a clone. It's called an "identical twin". It makes absolutely no difference to me whether I have one or not---its just another sibling. The only difference between my identical twin and some hypothetical clone is that the clone would not be the same age as me, and would not know members of my family, and probably woundln't even know me. Why do people make such a big deal out of this? Why would I care if there is a clone of me, young enough to be my grandchild, who I'd likely never even meet?

Posted by Busyman on 2007-05-02 00:06:01

you must not know what a clone is. your identical twin is not a "clone". just because s/he is the same in the outside, doesnt mean s/he is the same in the inside. a clone is an EXACT duplicate. not just the outside looks. and even outside looks, i have NEVER seen two twins look 100% alike, if you see a 100% look-alike twin, tell me. clones are 100%...

Posted by The Poll Sheister on 2008-07-11 04:09:00

that's got as much to do with habitat as it does genetics

hell, a clone could turn out very different from it's model