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Cats vs. Dogs


Posted by zag on 2005-11-02 15:10:07

Cat lovers seem to be more flexible than dog lovers. Cat lovers have to be willing to accept indifference and selfishness, or at least ignore it. Dog lovers sometimes want the worship and loyalty of dogs, while cat lovers usually are on more of a friendship level with their cats. Just a general observation.

Posted by jennaxx on 2006-02-23 11:06:36

Totally agree! Dog owners are looking for surrogate children, while cat owners just want a true friend.

Posted by dawgs on 2006-07-17 17:35:26

Dog owners don't look for surrogate children you dumbasses. They look companionship and friendship. I am a dog owner myself (2 of them) and I found companionship and friendship. I owned a cat before. Worst mistake of my life. We couldn't leave anything out on the counters, we couldn't eat without that nasty thing jumping up and eating our food. It tore my arms up and when it went outside and came back in, it brought in fleas. We finally had to bomb the place because of the cat. It wasn't from our dogs because they barely go out (they don't like the outdoors) and plus that cat had a certain room that it was living in (my brother's room). We finally gave it away.

Posted by jennaxx on 2006-08-23 23:04:44

If you're leaving food out on the counters, you'll soon have tons of new friends (mice, roaches, etc.). As for calling your cat a "nasty thing", how much more nasty is it to find all your shoes chewed up and your carpets covered in feces just because you left the house for two hours? I don't know why dog people hate cats so much. Cat people generally like dogs; they just realise that they don't have the time or energy to devote 13 hours a day to poop pick up, walks, and constant playing. Dog people, on the other hand, look at cats as being parasitic and being lazy and just using humans as servants. I have lived with many dogs that I've loved as a child, and currently we have a pug (mainly for the kids, but I adore him too). I think dogs are wonderful, but they require tons of work, flea and heartworm preventative, a yard, and much more food and supervision than cats do. As for your cat bringing in fleas, unless you lived in the countryside, you should never allow your cat outdoors in the city. If your cat scratched you up, it's because you were trying to pick her up when she was afraid. Dogs jump and drool all over their owners and most people believe that they're showing more love than cats. But when a cat truly loves you (and I have two of the most sweet, beautiful, darling felines in the world), you'll know it. She'll curl in your lap, purr away, and not get up for hours on end. A dog will love anyone with food. A cat can truly sense who's worthy of love and will treate you with as much affection and respect as you give them. A dog is a pet, a cat is an equal.

Posted by dawgs on 2006-10-21 19:55:54

I still love dogs and I don't give a $%!@ about what you have to say about it. I hate cats and most cat people. Dogs aren't pets. They are my best friends. Cats can go to hell or go extinct for all I care. I hate cats and I always have and I always will. There's nothing anyone can say to make me change my mind about cats.