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Serbia and Montenegro

Serbia and Montenegro

Posted by Donald Dumpsfiels on 2006-09-19 02:04:08

Montenegro is so scenic. Imagine a place with beaches made of pebbles and nudism and temparatures in the eighties and being able to look up at mountains with snowcaps from that beach. The Salamenca Pass is so high that if you look down you see a blue tint to the air. The people over there have been fighting forever. Part of the problem is that during WWII the Grand Mufti caused problems that still exist. He created death camps where Muslems killed non Muslems. Tito kept them apart but after his death it became time to collect. If you go to Europe and want to do it cheaply you have to go to where Yuglovia used to be. Ride busses down the Adriatic. Get a Russian phrase book. The languages of that areas are not Russian but the languages are close enough.