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Queen vs Led Zeppelin


Posted by nema on 2005-11-22 22:27:39

Queen is so much better. Bohemian Rhapsody is a far more better song than Stairway to Heaven. Freddie Mercury has a better voice than Robert Plant; cannot even compare. And Freddie's sexual orientation has nothing to do with their music. Queen rules, and no other band can compare. Freddie is an example of the saying ''The good always die young". Screw Led Zeppelin.

Posted by walrus on 2005-11-25 21:24:44

dude, I get the point, shut up! If you think Queen is better than Zep, you don't know your music!

Posted by crittykrueger on 2006-03-23 19:01:11

They know exactly what their music is. That's why they were defending Queen in the first place. You need to quit trying to sway people's opinions. It's never going to happen. If you can't comprehend this, you shouldn't be making polls where you want your opinion to win everytime. Not everyone is the same. I love Queen.

Posted by bing on 2006-12-12 17:06:11

You may love Queen but that does not change the fact that Led Zeppelin was the greatest band in history. Look, I love Queen too, but take a look at who they idolized. Brian May reveres Jimmy Page and has made no secreat of it. Put on some Zeppelin with an open mind and you will never regret it.