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guys getting gut punched

Gut punched.

Posted by moremore on 2006-03-11 02:57:39

I'm 17 and work out regularly. Once I was shirtless and had my arms tied above my head (it's a long story) while a bully and his friends took turns punching me in my abs. I was able to hold a flex for a while and the first few guys hurt their knuckles. But after a while, they broke me down and worked me over pretty good. When they were ready to leave and started to untie me, the bully gave me one last punch below the naval. I would have collasped if I didn't still have one arm tied up.

Posted by mickey_j on 2006-04-16 08:27:18

3 on 1 gutpunch

I got my guts worked over 3 on 1 while wearing a half shirt - 2 guys held me with my bare gut exposed - 3rd guy sucker punched me in the stomach to take the fight out of me then followed up with gut slugs to the navel - dropped to my knees, doubled up and puked.

Posted by JoeJoe22 on 2006-04-20 10:08:55

Punched in the Six-Pack

I was doing triathlon training at the pool. When I finished I came into the changeroom and 2 dudes were waiting for me. One of the guys pulled my arms behind my back and the other guy punched me in the solar plexus. Then he repeatedly slugged me in the guts in the sixpack. I was folded up on the floor for a good half hour after they got through working my abs.

Posted by suck on your tits on 2006-06-21 14:09:49

i don't have a six pack but we was doing swimming at school and in the changing rooms when everyone had gone this guy asked me 2 punch his abs. (He had a 6 pack and was tall, whereas i was only 5'3 and fairly skinny witha flat stomach.) i punched and it didn't hurt. He then sed now its my turn and 3 guys who must have been w8ing at the exit came from behind and held me, 2 by the arms and one held my hair. He hen punched me several times but i was being held up so i couldn't move. I was then carried to a family sized cubicle and was still being held up but this time i was being even more spread out by the 3 guyswhile the other 1 slapped, chopped and back-handered my chest and punched my gut again.

it leaves you so out of energy.

Posted by notmuchlonger on 2008-07-27 17:34:44

I have been hit in the gut, Ribs and Jaw by 800s kids, I lost to 750 of them Every kid I fought had me on the ground and holding and punching me, %0 times I did come back and win the 750 other times I was knocked out. (Last time was last night)