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Feminism in the media

Too simple...

Posted by Ellinas on 2006-04-18 15:58:06

The main consumers of today's capitalist society are women. If you know even a few things of Marketing you will understand why women are presented "the smart ones" in advertisements.

The advertisements are not made by straights or gays, but by men who are taking advantage of docility and naivity of many women.

Posted by Edmond1 on 2021-01-20 05:53:54

The success of the women’s feminist should come as no surprise. On top of all that, women makeup half of the world’s population and usually want to read stories about their progress. You can check b2b lead generation agency and get new technology skill. However, in the age of the internet, a female voice-bearer could later break the average about white media history.

Posted by hrach03 on 2021-02-23 09:21:05


Posted by Wared1975 on 2021-03-12 11:21:42

Mister poll has a thread about today's capitalist society are women. You can get b2b lead generation agency details for applying it. I prefer this to check here and manage their college tasks easily. They will help you to get a voice-over there. Join their website for more information.