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Feminism in the media

My Thoughts

Posted by blackrose926 on 2006-04-14 04:18:12

Most of the commercials you see today feature a man who is acting sort of "silly" and weird, and a woman who is sort of more "serious." I believe that this is because society is ok with seeing men as funny and weird, but not women. Could you imagine if women were shown in commercials acting carefree and weird like men? Women are portrayed as just not being very funny, and they are a "supporting role" in most commercials, while the man does all the "funny" stuff. I believe this is actually much more sexist toward women than men.

Posted by James Foley on 2006-04-15 13:07:45

blackrose>>Most of the commercials you see today feature a man who is acting sort of "silly" and weird, and a woman who is sort of more "serious." Shadowwatcher>>>I disagree; respectfully. I think that it is the hope of those who produce these commercials that that is the feeling that will come across, however, that isn't true. The fact is, in those commercials that do depict men in this manner [silly, the loveable goof, inattentive or oblivious to a womans perspective, or just downright stupid, sexist, lazy, or chauvanistic]are degrading as were the ones and are the ones that depict women in the same way. As well they only increase a devide that exists at the edge of the mind and not in the forefront. In other words, while it may be unintentional, it sure is assuming and inconsiderate.

blackrose>>I believe that this is because society is ok with seeing men as funny and weird, but not women. Shadowwatcher>>>Not really, I'm not okay with it when the male in the commercial or what have you is the brunt of the joke, and I feel the same way in regards to those that depict women in the same way.

blackrose>>Could you imagine if women were shown in commercials acting carefree and weird like men? Shadowwatcher>>>blackrose; have you ever had that "not so fresh feeling?" or an herbal essences rapture moment?

blackrose>>Women are portrayed as just not being very funny, and they are a "supporting role" in most commercials, while the man does all the "funny" stuff. Shadowwatcher>>>Like those credit card commercials where one spouse stats out saying "I'll alert the media" when the change is sent directly to their savings, and then the other spouse does the same when the savings show up? Or the one where 4 adventurous women are out in their new escalade or whatever, and they're coming home describing the wonderful relaxation of their journey, without their husbands? Then, oh poop, back to relaity.

blackrose>>I believe this is actually much more sexist toward women than men. Shadowwatcher>>>Why yes. It is sexist to all those Goofy, stupid, lazy, inconsiderate, innatentive, inconsiderate, lay-about wanna be or has been women out there, because that's what THEY aspire to be! Just like men want to be depicted as Sexy, bikini trunk wearing, scantilly clad models chomping down a Whopper or a famous star while in a wet t-shirt contest washing a car.

Posted by blackrose926 on 2006-04-15 22:44:57

"Not really, I'm not okay with it when the male in the commercial or what have you is the brunt of the joke, and I feel the same way in regards to those that depict women in the same way." Well I wasn't talking about when men or women were the brunt of the joke, I'm talking about when men have the "funny" role in the commercial, and women are always portrayed as being serious. Like that commercial for Verizon where the woman is talking about how great it is, and the guy is dancing in the background...and the one where the guy is headbanging while listening to rock music on the computer, and his wife(?) opens the door and catches him. I am saying, if these roles were reversed, it would seem weird to see a woman in the "silly" role, because women aren't usually portrayed as being carefree and having fun.

Posted by blackrose926 on 2006-04-15 22:47:22

"blackrose; have you ever had that "not so fresh feeling?" or an herbal essences rapture moment?" I'm not sure what the "not so fresh feeling" is from, but if you're talking about the Herbal Essences portraying women as "funny," then I don't understand how that would work. The woman is being portrayed in a sexual way and is shown in orgasmic bliss because she shampooed her hair...let's not even get started with that.

Posted by blackrose926 on 2006-04-15 22:57:02

"Why yes. It is sexist to all those Goofy, stupid, lazy, inconsiderate, innatentive, inconsiderate, lay-about wanna be or has been women out there, because that's what THEY aspire to be! Just like men want to be depicted as Sexy, bikini trunk wearing, scantilly clad models chomping down a Whopper or a famous star while in a wet t-shirt contest washing a car." It's interesting for you to point this out, because it goes along with my point exactly. Women are often shown as being "sexy" on TV. Men are often shown as being carefree and funny. Women are either shown as being sexy or as being completely serious, while men are almost never shown as being sexy. Society doesn't want to portray women as being human. Everything about them has to be perfect, they don't have a lot of animation, and while men can be their genuine selves on TV, women must be either used as a sexual prop, or as a support to the man in the commercial who is allowed to act stupid sometimes. If you have ever watched Saturday Night Live, you might see what I'm talking about. The only roles that women have on that show are supporting roles to the "funny" men, and the men usually become famous by starring in other movies. The women generally go no where else.