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guys getting beaten up

Tell me your story!!!

Posted by beaten up on 2007-06-28 09:01:28

If you have been beaten up, I would be really grateful if you could email me on beatenup@hotmail.co.uk


PS: If your story contains your bare belly been hit, or you being forcefed, then I definatly need your story!

PPS: I need them to give to my friend as he is feeling really low after being beaten and so if he new he isnt the only one to have been beaten then that should make him happy to know that he isnt the only person to have been beaten

Posted by notmuchlonger on 2008-07-17 13:13:51

I have been in many fights. I go out in a suit and tie every saturday night and try to get in a fight with a smaller kid around church who is also dressed up. I am 5'7" tall and weigh 135 pounds and I fight kids around 100 pounds. i almost always lose. I have never won against anyone over 105 pounds and I have never fought any kid over 110 pounds.