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guys getting beaten up

my story

Posted by manwich on 2006-03-16 02:32:22

I was walking down an alley on the way home from school, when i was cornered by a group of 4 people. two of them took my backpack off and held me by my arms. one of the other ones started to punch me in the gut. after 20 hits, i slumped to the ground holding my stomach. they then started kicking my,as i shouted for them to stop. i lost conciousness. When i came to, it was nighttime. i felt sore all over my body. i did note that i was in my underpants, as i walked out of the alley towards the front door nearest house. I didn't know it at the time, but it was my friends house. they quickly let me in and had me sit on the couch. my friend called my parents as his dad checked to see if i was alright. I can't remember much after that.

Posted by moremore on 2006-03-20 02:24:21

I wonder why they didn't take your underwear. Did they do anything else to you?

Posted by manwich on 2006-04-04 01:06:07

not that i can remember.

Posted by JackieJ on 2006-04-07 00:38:57

I see bullies and the innocent going at it. I was beat up in 5th grade because for being a girl, and yes Iam a girl. Apparentaly the boy was a sexist and I was pretty, and a egg head at math (he wasn't). I got a bloddy nose and one brused rib. He was given a week suspention. The little bastard should be expeled in my opionon.