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Posted by Teen slut on 2006-02-15 00:31:53

I never take money for sex, though my bf gives me pills if I have sex with people he tells me to. I don't consider it prostitution, cause he says he does it to test my love, and he does not take money for it.

Posted by Gary S on 2006-03-07 22:39:33

Your boyfriend is a pig

Your boyfriend is a cruel selfish pig-- He is no 'friend' at all. Do not let anyone treat you that way ever. Drop him like he never existed.

Posted by Teen slut on 2006-03-14 01:04:40

What? I don't know why you are saying that. I investigated a little bit into him, and he does take money but only to pay for the pills to make me happy. He says I'm lucky he does something good for me, cause women are expected to do what their bf says and get beaten if they don't. I get beaten, though I am rewarded for doing good with the pills so I don't see why I should dump him.

Posted by James Foley on 2006-03-16 04:03:23

Oh wow... if that isn't some sort of trolling [as in fishing; baiting] remark I don't know what is... the person claiming to ba a teen $%!@ is just tryin to play the rest of us for suckers... bwa ha ha ha Gee thanks for defining the term teen $%!@ through false statements about your experiences

Posted by Love suckingDicks Girl on 2007-08-27 11:03:06

I'm a prostitute

I practice prostitution sine i'm 15 . Because i love sex and i love money too . My boyfriend doesn't know , i think it's better . I'm now 22 , and i think i will continue for a couple of years