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9/11: Government Coverup or Not?


Posted by Cragslad on 2006-05-02 14:28:03


Posted by Moonlight Rose on 2006-05-03 11:36:47

I'll second that!

Posted by jellopeacemaker14 on 2006-05-05 11:49:28

if yor talking about the stupid conspiracy plot then i 3rd

Posted by Cragslad on 2006-05-05 13:42:07

I'm talking about ALL these tools who tell us that the US govt was behind 9/11. Who take anything they can google up at face value, yet tell us not to be "sheep." I have no use whatsoever for these people.

And least of all for the one who started this thread directly above another 9/11 conspiracy thread.

Posted by mistertroll on 2006-05-13 22:49:57

If you don't think the US government or factions within it were complicit in the 9/11 attacks and subsequently attempted a cover-up, you are in the minority:

As of the close of the poll, March 26, 2006, CNN.com Showbiz QUICKVOTE poll: Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?

52,621 voters: 84% Yes 16% No