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Child Abuse

I'm totally shocked

Posted by babakins on 2006-11-18 22:35:56

I'm afraid that i have to say that your opinion on this is so pathetic. Children who are sexually abused are also PHYSICALLY HURT and they are also EMOTIONALLY SCARRED!!!

I was sexually abused from the age of 7 and, believe me, when a man - read it , MAN - tries to put his $%!@ into a *7 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL, then that is SERIOUS, painful and PHYSICAL. The EMOTIONAL scars that i have lived with from those experiences for near on 35 years, sure haven't got any better!

Posted by Aquila on 2012-05-08 05:20:42

Most forms of physical abuse are much worde that most forms of so-called "sexual abuse". Remember that in the social climate of today it is regarded as sexual abuse if an adult caresses a child somewhat initimately. Do not tell me that his is worse that for example spanking, shaking and the like.