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Getting caught mastubating

my MOM

Posted by 6PACK-AB'S on 2007-12-17 03:53:10

Im 16 years old male and when i was 13 my mom had caught me masturbating, i was in my bedroom closet with my laptop with the door shut my mom came in my room to hang up my shirts and opened the closet door and there i was masturbating with adult material on my laptop my mom hung my shirts up and left she did talk to me after and gave me the becoming a man speech and that made me feel a lot better and im not ashamed of what i do now, and i dont hide in my closet anymore to masturbate i just do it on my bed and i dont care if my mom comes in.

Posted by ryan~ on 2007-12-29 03:26:30

has your mom ever mast*erba*ted with you

Posted by dunnovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv on 2008-01-01 13:53:40

cool question.

im 15. my mom has not touched me but my sis friend when i was younger showed me how to and sis friends andmy friends play with each other still on sleep overs.

love doing it thru my briefs