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Back To The Future?

who's really to blame here?

Posted by JENNA on 2000-01-05 17:40:12

I'm sorry, but it seems to me that all this finger-pointing at the doctors is just another way of passing the buck. You all apparently have access to computers, and I assume you're all literate, so what was stopping you from doing your own research before getting a foreign chemical injected into your own body?? I found a plethora of statistics, surveys, testimonials, and theories just by getting online. I agree that physicians should have your best interests at heart, but wake up! It's your body and health that will ultimately reap the effects - be them negative or positive - not the doctor's. Don't put yourself at risk without learning the facts!!

Posted by Bauer on 2000-01-05 21:47:19

You shouldn't be so quick to judge others. This shot has been available for some time now and those of us who have had several years experience on the drug DID NOT have access to neat little web-sites like this one. We had to trust those in the field. Besides, a lot of the side-effects are delayed and their effects take months to manifest themselves. Today access to information is a lot easier because of all the people on the web and i agree that you should take time to do the research now, however, that wasn't always an option. ========== In Reply To ========== I'm sorry, but it seems to me that all this finger-pointing at the doctors is just another way of passing the buck. You all apparently have access to computers, and I assume you're all literate, so what was stopping you from doing your own research before getting a foreign chemical injected into your own body?? I found a plethora of statistics, surveys, testimonials, and theories just by getting online. I agree that physicians should have your best interests at heart, but wake up! It's your body and health that will ultimately reap the effects - be them negative or positive - not the doctor's. Don't put yourself at risk without learning the facts!!

Posted by kay on 2000-02-11 06:17:14

========== In Reply To ========== I'm sorry, but it seems to me that all this finger-pointing at the doctors is just another way of passing the buck. You all apparently have access to computers, and I assume you're all literate, so what was stopping you from doing your own research before getting a foreign chemical injected into your own body?? I found a plethora of statistics, surveys, testimonials, and theories just by getting online. I agree that physicians should have your best interests at heart, but wake up! It's your body and health that will ultimately reap the effects - be them negative or positive - not the doctor's. Don't put yourself at risk without learning the facts!!

Posted by kay on 2000-02-11 06:26:08

How dare you - I did study, in depth, the depo shot before going on it. This was before the information was available and shortly after this "miracle" product was on the market."Millions of women have been taking it in Europe for years with no side effects" - That was the information the Upjohn company gave me.

Furthermore, it was a highly acclaimed fertility specialist who reafirmed how great it was right before I decided to have it.

There WAS NO INTERNET then and THE ONLY information available was from the company that manufactured it. You think they were going to tell me it was going to make me sterile?

I think YOU need to do a little more research before you start accusing people of being irresponsable and uninformed.

========== In Reply To ========== I'm sorry, but it seems to me that all this finger-pointing at the doctors is just another way of passing the buck. You all apparently have access to computers, and I assume you're all literate, so what was stopping you from doing your own research before getting a foreign chemical injected into your own body?? I found a plethora of statistics, surveys, testimonials, and theories just by getting online. I agree that physicians should have your best interests at heart, but wake up! It's your body and health that will ultimately reap the effects - be them negative or positive - not the doctor's. Don't put yourself at risk without learning the facts!!

Posted by briggette on 2000-03-16 18:16:26

========== In Reply To ========== How dare you - I did study, in depth, the depo shot before going on it. This was before the information was available and shortly after this "miracle" product was on the market."Millions of women have been taking it in Europe for years with no side effects" - That was the information the Upjohn company gave me.

Furthermore, it was a highly acclaimed fertility specialist who reafirmed how great it was right before I decided to have it.

There WAS NO INTERNET then and THE ONLY information available was from the company that manufactured it. You think they were going to tell me it was going to make me sterile?

I think YOU need to do a little more research before you start accusing people of being irresponsable and uninformed.

I disagree! I have been on this shot for over six years and I was aware of the side effects just by reading the pamphlet way back then! The info was avaiable! And, I do believe I was on the internet six years ago.