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masturbation by diapered toddlers

My poll on School Clothing

Posted by Sylveef on 2008-08-30 07:22:44

Dear Friends,

Please vote on the following polls:

Attire and Health Surveillance for School-Going Kids


Bedtime and Indoor Clothing for Kids


Airport Security and Kids


Physical Examination of Kids: Parents’ Expectations on Quality


Many thanks


Sylvie (sylvee@live.com)

Posted by Sylveef on 2008-09-07 14:24:13

September 6, 2008

Sub: Re-Launch of Polls

Dear Friends,

Out of the 4 polls listed above, 3 are re-launched. These are:

Bedtime and Indoor Clothing for Kids

Attire and Health Surveillance for School-Going Kids

Airport Security and Kids

In the post above, the addresses typed below the names are re-launch addresses. Therefore, if you have voted earlier, please visit them again. I have modified contents as well as order of questions.

Take care,


Sylveef (sylvee@live.com)

Posted by Sylveef on 2008-11-26 17:51:37

Kids and Airport Metal Detectors

November 26, 2008

Dear Parents,

An alarming number of parents in my poll “Airport Security and Kids”


have indicated that their kids have been subjected to complete strip search after the alarm sounded, while their children were passing through the security gates.

I have created a poll to find out what caused the alarm to sound and whether child’s constitutional rights have been upheld during the procedure. Please fill out the poll and leave comments:


My other polls:

Physical Examination of Kids: Parents’ Expectations on Quality


Bedtime and Indoor Clothing for Kids


Airport Security and Kids2 (Re-Launch)


Please vote and leave comments. Many thanks,


Posted by that one kid on 2009-10-13 22:04:45


Poll for boys ages 9-15