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sharing a bed

Posted by Jeff on 2002-04-29 18:36:35

I took a summer job for three summers- selling lake shore lots at a development The owner hired 4 guys and we shared a very small primitive cabin on the property. Ther were two single beds- and one double. So to be fair- insuring that we each got to sleep alone an equal amount of time- we spent the summers sometimes sharing the double bed with another guy. The first night- having never met these guys- I thought it was sort of an odd arrangement, but it worked out just fine. I slept just as well alone or when it was my turn to share. I always did wear my undershorts to bed so that was no problem. One of the guys did sleep nude-- again the first night I thought it would be kind of weird- it was not at all. I slept just as well as ever, and it never bothered me. They were all really fun guys. Its over 35 yrs ago, and I still remember those college summers as really fun times. The'fun' had nothing to do with sleeping arrangements. What I am saying is- if you like the the person or persons with whom you must share a bed- it won't make a bit of difference in your level ofr comfort or ability to sleep very well-- at least that was my experience- a long time ago!