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Oklahoma Bombing

Saddam Hussein and Islamic Terrorism

Posted by Adrian Rapazzini on 2006-06-20 21:13:38

Saddam Hussein's government was a state sponsor of terrorism. Saddam supported terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Abu Nidal Organization. Saddam worked with Osama Bin Laden and the only time they met in person was in December 1998 in Baghdad where they discussed jihad against the west. In the 1980's, Saddam housed many terrorists such as Carlos the Jackal, a Venezuelan terrorist connected to Islamic terrorists who was responsible for many attacks mostly against French targets. Another terrorist was Abu Nidal, a Palestinian terrorist mercenary and leader of the Abu Nidal Organization who was responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks against Israel and one anti-American attack which was the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. Nidal was another terrorist who hated America for supporting Israel. Mohammed Abu Abbas, leader of the PLF (Palestinian Liberation Front) and mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, was housed by Saddam. Saddam was behind hundreds if not thousands of attacks against Israelis by Palestinian suicide bombers.

1990 was the year Saddam became interested in terrorist groups and he allowed various Palestinian organizations to move to Iraq and train with the Republican Guard and set up terrorist training camps with the assisstance of Yasser Arafat, the former Palestinian president and leader of the PLO.

The Gulf War saw Iraq's first try at terrorist attacks but they completely failed. Among the attacks, was a bomb attack against the Thomas Jefferson Library in Manila, Philippines by two Iraqi intelligence operatives. Attacks on Western interests by the Iraqis were foiled in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia. After the war, Saddam sent several terrorists from Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Abu Nidal members and his Republican Guard soldiers to bring jihad to the United States. The terrorist operatives created cells in Oklahoma City, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, St. Louis, Philadelphia, New York, Washington D.C., Cleveland San Francisco, Los Angeles, Louisville, Kentucky, and Raleigh, North Carolina where they blended in with the Muslim communities and the local mosques.

On February 26, 1993, the parking garage of the World Trade Center was bombed. Laurie Mylroie, a former advisor to former President Clinton on Iraq and author of the book The War Against America: Saddam Hussein and the World Trade Center Attacks, gives evidence that Iraq got involved in radical Islamic terrorist plots in New York after the Iraqi government learned that a terrorist named Khalid Sheik Mohammed they housed was the uncle of Ramzi Yousef.

Ramzi Yousef, the ringleader of the World Trade Center bombers, arrived in America on an Iraqi passport. The moment Yousef arrived, he directed the local terrorists to target the Trade Center and how to do it. After the bombing, Abdul Yasin, an Iraqi and second ringleader, fled to Iraq and was protected by Saddam's government. ABC News spotted him in Baghdad in 1994 and learned he was being paid by the government.

Omar Abdel Rahman, the Egyptian cleric known as the "Blind Sheik" was the radical preacher at a local mosque in New York, inspired the terrorists to commit the attack. The conspirators were members of his mosque. Another conspirator, Mohammed Salameh, worked with Iraqi intelligence. Salameh made 50 calls to Iraq from June 25, 1992 and the day of the bombing. His uncle, Kadri Abu Bakr, is known to have worked in Baghdad since 1986 for a Palestinian terrorist organization.

After the bombing, Ramzi Yousef fled to Manila where he was housed by Mohammed Khalifa, the brother-in-law of Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden paid Yousef to train members of Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group and Al Qaeda spin off in the Philippines.

Also in 1993 was the attack on American soldiers in Somilia and the following retreat out of the country. This was the first time Bin Laden's forces worked with Iraqi intelligence which had been recruiting militants in Sudan and Somalia. Bin Laden's militants in Somalia fought alongside members of Iraq's special forces.

Again in 1993, there was an attempted assassination of former president Bush Sr. by Iraqi intelligence during his visit to Kuwait. Saddam Hussein hired his military assassins to assassinate Bush Sr. with a truck bomb but the plot was foiled by Kuwaiti authorities.

The 1995 Bojinka plot was foiled in the Philippines. The plot which was backed by Saddam, was to assassinate president Clinton, Pope John Paul II, and to hijack 12 airplanes from Hong Kong, Narita, Chiba Perfecture, Japan (near Tokyo), Pasay, Philippines (near Manila), Taoyuan, Taiwan, Singapore, Gimbo, South Korea (near Seoul), Bangkok, Thailand, Honolulu, San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, New York, and Los Angeles, and crash them into American buildings such as the White House, World Trade Center, the Bank Tower in Los Angeles, and the Sears Tower in Chicago. But the Philippine authorities foiled the plot and arrested Abdul Hakim Murad, a terrorist involved in the plot. Ramzi Yousef was arrested soon after the plot was foiled. The Bojinka plot later proved to be the origin of the 9/11 plot.

On April 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was truck bombed. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, anti-government, American terrorists, were identified as the killers. But according to Jayna Davis, McVeigh and Nichols worked with Islamic terrorists to bomb the Murrah building. Davis' research shows that a number of witnesses saw McVeigh and sometimes Nichols with Middle Easterners in the months, weeks, days, and hours before the bombing. Most of the Middle Easterners seen with McVeigh and Nichols were Iraqi soldiers from the Republican Guard who were hired by Saddam after the Gulf War and sent to America to specifically target a federal building. But the Iraqi mercenaries first settled in Chicago where they learned how to make truck bombs at a Hamas training camp.

Davis identified Hussain Al-Hussaini, one of the Iraqi soldiers, as the ringleader of the Iraqi terrorist group in Oklahoma City. After the bombing, Al-Hussaini went to work at the Boston airport where several 9/11 hijackers would meet to hijack airplanes. It was discovered that McVeigh had a large collection of phone numbers of Iraqis in his vehicle when he was arrested. The Pentagon released information that McVeigh himself was an Iraqi agent who worked for Saddam Hussein and the phone calls McVeigh, Nichols and the Iraqi soldiers made to Iraq and the Philippines.

Besides his meetings with the Iraqi soldiers in Oklahoma City, Terry Nichols was connected to Islamic terrorists, including Al Qaeda in the Philippines. Edwin Angeles, the Abu Sayyaf terrorist, confirmed the meetings Nichols had with Ramzi Yousef and they discussed bombing federal buildings in St. Louis, San Francisco, and Oklahoma City. While in his jailcell, Abdul Hakim Murad confirmed that he along with Yousef organized the Oklahoma bombing and he was going to participate in the Bojinka plot. Davis made it clear in an interview that the mastermind of the Oklahoma bombing was none other than Osama Bin Laden who was, as I said, backed by Saddam Hussein.

Also in 1995, the U.S. military complex in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was bombed. The killers were members of Hezbollah, the group supported by Iran. Iran was behind this bombing, but so was Iraq. Saddam Hussein supported and financed Hezbollah and he allowed Hezbollah terrorists living in Iraq to train with the Iraqi military.

On June 25, 1996, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia was bombed by a Hezbollah suicide bombers. Hezbollah terrorists were responsible which means Iran sponsored the attack. But again, Iraq sponsored the attack as well.

In July 1997, a terrorist attack inside America was foiled by the FBI. Members of Hamas attempted to become suicide bombers and destroy New York's subway station. The financier of this attempted attack was Saddam Hussein.

On August 7, 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Al Qaeda terrorists masterminded by Osama Bin Laden. Iraq sponsored the attack.

In December 1999, as the millennium was approaching, Abu Jaffer Al-Jaziri was arrested for a plot to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport. Al-Jaziri was one of Bin Laden's long-time Iraqi representatives. He was killed in Afghanistan in January 2002.

In October 2000, the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen was bombed by two Al Qaeda suicide bombers connected to Osama Bin Laden. Iraq supplied the money and weapons used in the attack.

On September 11, 2001, 19 Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airplanes. Two of them crashed into the Twin Towers and one in the Pentagon. The last crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Immediatley after the attacks, evidence came out that Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden organized the plot. The 9/11 hijackers were trained by Hezbollah terrorists in Iraq and Iran. Mohammed Atta, the ringleader of the 9/11 attacks, met with Saddam on two occasions. After the attacks, America went to war with the Taliban in Afghnistan for their role in the attacks and then Iraq where Saddam was finally captured.