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Laundromat Attire (Underwear and Nude Experiences?)

Nude in Bronx Laundromat at 3pm

Posted by nudist0885 on 2007-03-13 20:25:11

I remeber a few years ago I was in NYC for the weekend and not having enough money to get a hotel room for the night I decided to sleep on a park bench on the side of Central Park.

I wore long blue jeans so that I would stay warm and I had a complete change of clothes in my backpack.

Anyway the next morning I went up to 242nd st./Van Cortlandt Park and walked around in the fields and woods that sat between the street and the Van Cortlandt Park Golf Course. Anyway at one point it started to rain and I was at least 10 minutes from any covering large enough to keep my clothing dry and warm. After less than 3 minutes the rain was falling so hard that I literally couldn't see the middle of the ball field from the edge of the woods and so I just stood somewhere and waited for the rain to stop.

When it stopped I looked like I had gone swimming in a swimming pool for 5 whole minutes.

I walked out to the street and found a laundromat very close to the subway station at the end of the 1-9 LINE?

When I went inside there was one white female attendant in her early 20's.

I explained my predicament to her( all of my clothes were wet as she could see, I didn't live in the city, I didn't have a hotel room, and all of my spare clothes were soaked as well).

I asked her if there was a washroom nearby that I could change from my soaking wet clothes into me somewhat less damp clothes. I would then wash and dry the one set of clothes and then put them on and wash and dry the other set.

She informed me that there was a bathroom all the way in the back hallway of the building (this bathroom was for employees only and was shared by all of the businesses in this strip building).

As I was getting undressed she came and knocked on the door and told me that I could sit in the very back of the laundromat room in a towel that she would let me borrow and that way I could wash all of both sets of clothing at the same time.

I thanked her for the towel and got to work.

There were very few people in the laundromat when I started the wash and only one other man at one point during the middle of the drying cycle, so when all of the women (except for the one attendant) left the building I went back to the bathroom long enough to completely dry off and re-comb my hair for the 3rd time in 30 minutes and I walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me but then I placed it on the chair and sat on top of it leaving myself totally exposed to anyone who might look at me.

When the dryer finally stopped I simply stood right there in the very back of the laundromat and put one of the sets of clothing back on.

When I was completely dressed and ready to leave I returned the towel to the attendant and gave her a 5 dollar tip just for being so nice to me.

I never went back again.

Posted by nudist0885 on 2007-03-13 20:46:58

A few details that I left out of the first post

1) At the time I was in my late 30's

2) I'm a swm.

3) I wore long pants because the night before was somewhat cold though the next morning was warm enough that when I sat on a rock at the top of a hill at the northern end of the field my soaking wet sneakers dried COMPLETELY in only...15 minutes?

4) The complete list of clothes was 2 long blue jeans, 2 t-shirts,2 pairs of socks, 1 pair of sneakers and maybe a hoodie

5) The time of year was between early May and Mid July in 1999

6) When I came out of the bathroom wearing the towel some of the other customers looked at me and wondered what I was doing. The attendant explained the situation in some detail (I didn't hear her, I was staying as far away from the street as was possible).

7) Though both the attendant and the one male customer (who was still in the laundromat when I took off the towel and sat on top of it near the end of the drying process) saw me in all of my glory, neither one of them complained or came close enough to get a closer look.

8) When I was ready to leave, the man made a joke about "well there's something you don't see all the time" and I came back and said that I had never witnessed or done that type of situation before. Both the man and the attendant said something to the effect of "well sometimes you gotta do things that most poeple just wouldn't have the vision to figure out".

9) I didn't leave any type of ID or possible future correspondence with either of them and I have never been back to that neighborhood since.