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How would you like it?

Posted by steamybaby on 2006-08-14 22:38:46

Babies are human beings too - I think the idea of forcing anyone to eat in a public restroom disgusting. Why would you consider it even remotely appropriate for force an infant to eat in a place as unhygienic as that? You have a ridiculously skewed view of breastfeeding as some sort of exhibitionism, which it is not. You need to grow up and stop inflicting your patheticly prudish views on others.

Posted by James Foley on 2006-08-14 23:06:46

Another installment of Murky the Chaos Gnome...


Why is it that I always seem to get cheesey disco porn music in my head whenever Cutejamaican posts something here?... Oh ya, cause the las cute Jamaican i knew was a 4'11" mexican girl named Jessica...

Bwow, chikie bwow bwow, .... bwow chickow

Posted by Cragslad on 2006-08-15 22:19:51

What steamy baby said


Breast milk is the most natural and healthy food for babies. (Formula is grossly inferior.) It was also the ONLY food for babies throughout most of history and prehistory. That you could find it disgusting, I find bizarre and disturbing.

By the way, are you woman or man?

Posted by Cragslad on 2006-08-15 22:22:40

Frankly, I think women should be allowed to go topless anywhere they want.

Posted by James Foley on 2006-08-15 22:48:34

The hellfires of Gozer be apon the wicked and criminally insane.... Die breastfeeders! Succumb to the ways of the Breast pump and baby bottle.... You will all be $%!@-imilated!.... I slay me....

seriously though.... I used to work in a men's clothing store and one day an older good looking woman... I being 19 and she around 38-40... came in to buy a man's suit for herself... she had just had some "work" done that increased my stock in silicon.. and wanted my opinion on whether or not the single breasted jacket emphsized her breasts nicely.... I got all red in the face... she smiled and said my opinion was okay because she had asked and because in all honsety it's just boobs....

So, let this be a lesson to all you prudes out there... boobs are just boobs. and frankly I wouldn't have minded doin a little breast feeding right then myself ;)....

It's a natural reaction and people need to stop turning normal issues into embarassing incidents.

And frankly breast feeding and breast fondeling are two ENTIIIIIRELY seperate issues. One is done for enjopyment, and the other out of necessity. Get a clue and lighten up.