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Driving Yourself To School - Cool or Not ?

Poor little rich kid!

Posted by ronaldinho llew on 2006-08-10 16:24:41

What a horrid dilema! Daddy won't let you drive your own car to your poxy private school, so you'll have to turn up at the school gate in a Rolls Royce! I pitty you so much! Thankfully, I can't afford a car of any kind. My parents can't afford the petrol. What a relief! Now I can just walk the 4 miles to my run down comprehensive school, just like I have for the last seven years.

Grow up you spoilt brat! Use public transportation and find out what being in the real world is like.

Posted by Jack89 on 2006-08-10 23:11:31

Just to put you right, the school me and my brother go to is not one that we would choose, it is 15 miles from home across country so public transport in this area is not a feasible option (it would take two hours plus and a long walk each way). Were we able to travel independantly by driving ourselves, we could join in many more activities with friends before or after school rather than being at the beck and call of Dad's chauffeur. I hate the idea of turning up each day in a posh car, all the family have particularly said they don't want him to get a Roller. I'd rather go to a local mixed school nearer home that we could walk to and to have friends who lived nearby. Don't judge others by your own prejudices, my life and that of my brother, is probably a lot more restricted and less happy and carefree than yours. neither of us asked to be "rich kids" or particularly wish to be. Thanks for taking the poll, though.

Posted by ebw on 2006-08-31 20:26:19

Get an older car; something like an EK9 (1996-2000) Civic or an older Golf/Jetta or Escort, or whatever small Toyota is available.

Since from the sound if it you live in the UK, also consider an old-model Mini.

Posted by More Facts, Less Opinion on 2006-09-06 16:44:10

Just a thought

It's always good to consider the environment when making a new decision. A hybrid car purchase for you would be wise for the earth and for saving money in the long run. It's your planet you are inheriting; make sure you take care of it!

Posted by JackieJ on 2006-10-02 23:48:19

I drive my older brothers Merkur. I like it, it is sporty and fast.