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The Greatest Film Directors

What About...

Posted by dave3 on 2006-09-20 04:14:52

The only directors on the list that deserve to be there--in my view--are Kubrick;Ford;and Spielberg...even Foreman doesn't quite stack up.The others are fine film-makers(though Craven is pushing things a little).

Judging just by directors who've made movies in the english language(there's many others),I'd have included:

Frank Capra Howard Hawks Orson Welles John Huston Billy Wilder Alfred Hitch$%!@ Elia Kazan David Lean Sam Peckinpah Francis Ford Coppola Martin Scorsese Roman Polanski Spielberg;Kubrick;Ford I'd also consider Fred Zinnemann;George Stevens;Woody Allen;Arthur Penn;John Frankenheimer;Sidney Lumet;Milos Foreman.

Posted by deniro12 on 2006-10-06 19:37:58

Especially Scorsese.

Posted by EltonFan on 2006-10-06 21:41:20

Yeah Martin Scorcese is the best!!!

Posted by dave3 on 2006-10-10 03:16:42

Oops...I forgot about Robert Altman.