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Music Today


Posted by mya on 2006-11-01 20:05:18

New Singers/Bands do so have talent today for excample Fall Out Boy have talent & Hinder have talent & The Fray Have talent & Panic! At The Disco have talent.

Posted by Digital Damon on 2006-11-03 19:23:16

American musicians do have talent. It's just that the adoring fans are smarter that those of yesteryears, and there are just too many musicians. Music genres have mutated ever since African slaves brought their music with them to America. Genres have evolved from blues, gospel and soul music to rock, hip-hop, R&B, to pop, to metal and so on. Also, modern pop-rock Country has evolved from the only true American Music: Bluegrass. There are no gaps today, no Huge Market Busting face of the youth such as Elvis or The Beatles to sugar coat and steal older, unmarketable, already used music. I believe The music tree's roots are set. We're just creating more branches and not pruning the limbs!

Posted by Borat Sagdiyev - Republic of Kazakhstan on 2006-11-14 14:44:30

Please, Fallout Boy is my $%!@