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Ninth grade initiation


Posted by mister tom on 2006-11-06 12:41:12

This is a practice that obviously isn't permitted, but goes on anyway. You should tell your parents if you believe your brother plans to go through with it. It's their responsibility to deal with him appropriately. They should also bring it to the attention of school authorities if they suspect this is really going on at your school. It's wrong to mistreat animals so most certainly it's unacceptable to mistreat or humiliate fellow human beings. It's a form of bullying and anyone who participates or even condones it by not reporting it is just as guilty as the perpetrators. It's funny to watch in movies and tv shows, but nobody is actually hurt or humiliated in those. In real life it can be painful and traumatic. Some "traditions" need to be abolished so that school can be a positive learning and socialization experience rather than a daily ordeal. Most of the perpetrators of school shooting and hostage incidents were victims of bullying who just couldn't take any more. Whether you're the subject of hazing/bullying or just an observer each of you should discourage it and report it to the proper adult authorities when it occurs.

Posted by spigelwii on 2006-11-06 15:16:34

Thanks for warning me. I'm also going into ninth next year, so now I can guard myself, and at my high school, P.E's an elective that I'm not planning on taking.

Posted by Kandou on 2006-11-12 20:14:50

Some "traditions" need to be abolished so that school can be a positive learning and socialization experience rather than a daily ordeal.

...Within mainstreme society, I do not believe there is such a thing as a 'positive socialization experience'.

As for learning? At school? Schools are more about regurgitating what gets told to you and mindless obedience than actual education.

Posted by anounomus on 2006-11-15 21:10:41

into my initiation i went to an all boys boarding school and we were all rich and all the jacks seemed like manly gay. one night after cllases they came into my room and $%!@ed me but i liked it so i didnt care and now im gay but hardcore not like those little gay woosies

Posted by bryankennedy on 2006-12-27 00:54:40


I was in the Ninth Grade 40 years ago, at that time we were hazed by being thrown head first in the trash can, or by having you head being put in a toilet and urinated on,and some other ways as well and it was not any fun, especially when it would happen to you.

