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Being Gay

Posted by Trial and Error on 2002-07-29 18:23:15

Forget about the caps lock and the spelling/grammar (yes it is annoying, but try to ignore it)

The fact here is that on this poll, like all the other gay topic polls, people are saying things like 'it is fine to be gay' or 'you are born like it'


Being gay is horrible and detestable and as for having a gay child, there is no such thing

Being gay is a choice you make, you are not born like it, it is a vile choice.

Posted by Alzare on 2002-08-13 00:54:08

========== In Reply To ========== Forget about the caps lock and the spelling/grammar (yes it is annoying, but try to ignore it)

The fact here is that on this poll, like all the other gay topic polls, people are saying things like 'it is fine to be gay' or 'you are born like it'


Being gay is horrible and detestable and as for having a gay child, there is no such thing

Being gay is a choice you make, you are not born like it, it is a vile choice.

Your proof? That's what I thought. There is no conclusive evidence either way regarding whether homosexuality is an inborn or a learned behavior. I'm not gay, and personally, I think we have more important things to worry about than whether a guy likes to stick his $%!@ into a woman or another man. Ever hear of Osama Bin Laden?...

Also, if I had to choose which was the greater sin, I'd have to go with your attitude instead of homosexuality. I don't know you, but your words seem tinged with hate, and in terms of degrees of sin, hate has it all over homosexuality, any day.

Posted by NakedCelt on 2003-07-04 11:33:55

========== In Reply To ========== Your proof? That's what I thought. There is no conclusive evidence either way regarding whether homosexuality is an inborn or a learned behavior.

On the contrary, twin studies indicate that homosexuality in men, at least, is carried genetically; other correlations show that the gene in question is on the X chromosome. It has been tentatively identified with the gene Xq28. Female homosexuality is not affected by this gene, but there are indications that here, also, the comparative levels of testosterone and oestrogen in the womb have a strong effect.

Posted by Chriswatkins1056 on 2006-03-20 05:51:59

Being gay is not a choice! There is so much evidence that gay people are born with a sexual attraction to the same sex. On another note. What causes hetrosexuality? What really makes people attracted to the opposite sex?