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Should jockstraps be required for middle school basketball?

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My family moved this summer and I am going to a new school this year. I'm in the 8th grade. Since I played on the school basketball team at my old school, I tried out and made the team at my new school. At my old school, all boys on the team had to wear jockstraps. It was one of the rules on the list of rules me and my parents had to sign. Also, I've been wearing jocks for little league since I was in T-ball when I was 5. At my new school, it is not a rule, but I wear one anyway. I don't think I could play my hardest if I were wearing underwear. I'm the only boy on the team who wears one and some of the kids tease me for wearing one. I think they should be required and then all the guys would have to wear one. This poll is for boys who play on a basketball team.

Do you think middle school boys should be required to wear jockstraps for after school basketball practice and games?

88% (762) Yes, sports teams should have rules about safety
9% (79) No, just recommended even though some kids won't wear one unless they are required
2% (23) No, kids should wear what they want, even if it is not safe

864 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you first wore a jock for sports?

8% (75) 5 or younger
2% (25) 6
4% (39) 7
5% (50) 8
4% (42) 9
11% (99) 10
10% (89) 11
15% (137) 12
11% (97) 13
6% (53) 14
3% (34) 15
4% (38) 16 or older
9% (86) Never wore one (really, not ever? You should try one!)

864 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a jock for basketball, why do you wear one? Check all the apply.

66% (509) Safety, to prevent injury
38% (297) Its a team rule and I need to wear one if I want to play
54% (420) Its more comfortable than underwear for sports
39% (301) I play harder knowing I'm wearing a jock for support
52% (401) Underwear gets all sweaty, jocks are cooler
25% (198) The other kids wear them
32% (252) The coach recommended it
24% (188) My Mom or Dad said I should
44% (346) So after I shower and change back to my street cloths, I'm not still wearing sweaty underwear from practice!

769 voters have answered this question.

Should a boy be embarrassed to wear a jock?

91% (780) No, whats to be embarrassed about?
8% (75) Yes

855 voters have answered this question.

Would you wear a jock if you were the only one on the team wearing one, even if you liked wearing one?

68% (573) Yes, why should I worry about what other kids are wearing?
18% (157) Yes, I'd be embarrassed, but I'd wear one anyway.
12% (101) No, I'd be too embarrassed, even though I wouldn't feel as safe or play as hard.

831 voters have answered this question.

If jocks are required on your team, what happens if the coach finds out someone is not wearing one? Check all that apply.

47% (364) The coach won't let him play
27% (211) The coach lets him play, but tells him he'd better wear one next time
31% (238) The coach sends a note home to the parents saying that he won't be allowed to play or practice until he wears the complete required uniform
50% (386) The coach reminds the whole team that everyone must wear a jock to every practice with no exceptions

760 voters have answered this question.

If jocks are required on your team, does everyone wear one?

61% (477) Yes, everyone wears a jock
29% (228) Most wear a jock
6% (51) Only a few wear a jock
2% (20) No one wears a jock

776 voters have answered this question.

If jocks aren't required on your team, does anyone wear them?

28% (195) Yes, everyone wears a jock
35% (247) Most wear a jock
26% (183) Only a few wear a jock
10% (71) No one wears a jock

696 voters have answered this question.

Are boys required to wear jocks on your basketball team?

44% (350) Yes, a jockstrap is mandatory
18% (147) Yes both a jockstrap and cup are mandatory
21% (165) It is only recommended that we wear jocks, but not mandatory
15% (121) No, it isn't in the rules or even mentioned by the coach

783 voters have answered this question.

If jocks are required on your team, has anyone ever been caught not wearing one?

14% (108) Often
53% (393) A few times
12% (90) One time
19% (140) Never

731 voters have answered this question.

If jocks are required on your team, what do the boys think about it?

33% (249) They think it is a good rule
8% (63) They don't like the rule
39% (292) Some think it is a good rule and some don't like the rule
17% (129) They didn't like the rule at first, but now they think its a good rule

733 voters have answered this question.

If anyone was caught not wearing a jock, what was their reaction? Check all the apply.

43% (304) They were really embarrassed to get caught wearing underwear
46% (321) They admitted they were violating the rule and promissed to wear one the next day
4% (34) They quit the team
15% (110) They kept wearing underwear
29% (205) They were glad they got caught because they had to start wearing a jock and they liked it much better

694 voters have answered this question.

If jocks are required on your team, if anyone was caught not wearing a jock, how did the coach find out?

17% (124) The coach overheard another player talking about it
49% (339) The coach noticed it when he was walking through the locker room before or after practice
22% (154) The coach asked and the boy admitted he wasn't wearing a jock
45% (314) The coach noticed a boy's underwear riding above his shorts when he was playing on a skins team
28% (196) Other

690 voters have answered this question.

If you have never tried wearing a jock, would you like to try one?

30% (222) Yes, I'd like to try wearing one!
67% (492) I already wear one
2% (19) No, I'm not open to trying something different

733 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-11-24 17:29:09 by mark s 10
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