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Smoking: Are people going too far?

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Why are people so against smoking? What is their deal? It's that person's choice to smoke. I can understand not wanting people to smoke in a hospital or a plane, but bars? Come on! Everyone smokes in bars! Well, not anymore. In restaurants, they have a non-smoking section. I can picture some pansy-ass mama's-boy telling a waitress, "Miss, I'm getting emphysema from the man on the other side of this wall's cigarette." And then, they're raising taxes on cigarettes to help the poor people! What?! My mom smokes and she says she's going to quit so that she doesn't have to keep paying for the damn poor people. Is this just me? I doubt it. It seems like the people who are anti-smoking are also anti-fat. What the hell's wrong with being fat? NOTHING! It's not right to get rid of the damn vending machines in the damn schools because people are fat. What if they're not fat, but just hungry? If people are really unhappy with the way that they look, they should get a gym membership instead of pissing and moaning about it. Fat is not a disease. It's not an epedemic! ARGH! I HATE PEOPLE!

Are/were you a smoker?

60% (68) Yes, I am
7% (8) Yes, I was
32% (36) No, I'm not and never was

112 voters have answered this question.

Are you a:

66% (75) Male
33% (37) Female

112 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

18% (21) 10-15
29% (33) 16-20
11% (13) 21-25
13% (15) 26-30
8% (9) 31-35
1% (2) 36-40
3% (4) 41-45
4% (5) 46-50
2% (3) 51-55
4% (5) 56-60
0% (1) 61+

111 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about people smoking in restaurants?

72% (81) There's a smoking and non-smoking section for a reason.
27% (31) I can't stand it.

112 voters have answered this question.

If you are against smoking, is it because you are genuinely concerned for that person's health?

29% (23) Yes
70% (55) No

78 voters have answered this question.

Do you think it's okay for people to smoke outside of an office building?

83% (93) Yes
16% (19) No

112 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-02-19 03:17:20 by 2_silly_4_me
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