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Racism Within The SistaHood

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Hi,is there racism amongst lighter skinned and darker skinned black women?

Do you feel there is an underlying division of racism amongst dark and light skinned black women?

64% (9) yes
7% (1) no
21% (3) maybe
28% (4) sometimes
0% (0) never thought about it

14 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever felt a form of discrimination amongst the black race based on your darker or lighter complection?

50% (7) yes
35% (5) no
7% (1) maybe
7% (1) sometimes

14 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been made to feel less or more attractive based on your complection?

46% (6) yes
23% (3) no
7% (1) maybe
23% (3) sometimes

13 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that ligther or darker skin tones places you in a higher or lower class stereotype?

57% (8) yes
21% (3) no
21% (3) maybe
7% (1) sometimes

14 voters have answered this question.

Where do you feel racism amongst the black women comes from?

7% (1) there is no racism or problem
57% (8) african american history and slavery issues
57% (8) medias perception of beauty
28% (4) black men overlooking all shades
28% (4) Lost Culture
0% (0) Never thought about
14% (2) Dont Care

14 voters have answered this question.

Does multi-racial heritage cause discrimination and friction within the black womans circle?

42% (6) yes
14% (2) no
14% (2) maybe
28% (4) sometimes
7% (1) never thought about it

14 voters have answered this question.

How can we bond more as a sisterly group?

14% (2) I thought we were already bonded
21% (3) Never knew we had a problem
71% (10) We need to stop comparing
50% (7) We need to stop jealousy
50% (7) We need to embrace our culture more
21% (3) We need christianity
42% (6) build self esteem
0% (0) other

14 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-12-29 10:56:00 by Tonya
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