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SISTAS: Your opinion of Black Men dating/marrying White

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I just wanted sistas real opinions of brothas who date and/or marry white women.

Are you a Black female?

83% (109) YES
16% (21) NO...(then why are you taking this survey?)

130 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that Black men date and marry women of other races more than black women date or marry men of other races?

80% (102) YES
19% (24) NO

126 voters have answered this question.

In your opinion, Are black men who date or marry white women directly insulting black women?

44% (55) YES
56% (70) NO

125 voters have answered this question.

If you answered YES to the previous question....do you feel that black men who date or marry latino or asian women are equally insulting to black women?

40% (40) YES
59% (58) NO

98 voters have answered this question.

What do you feel are the reasons why most black men who date or marry white women do so?

30% (38) media images
40% (50) to gain status
50% (62) white women are more passive
23% (29) they have a self-hate issue
36% (45) they cannot handle a strong woman
46% (57) they are attracted to white women
47% (59) they see white women as trophys
16% (20) for money reasons
36% (45) because they love the person
7% (9) it is wrong...the reasons do not matter

123 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that brothas who date or marry white women are weak?

25% (31) YES
43% (53) NO
31% (39) MAYBE

123 voters have answered this question.

I feel that black men dating/marrying white women contributes to the shortage of good, available black men.

64% (78) AGREE
35% (43) DISAGREE

121 voters have answered this question.

As a black woman...do you feel it is more of a slap in the face to see a handsome, successful black man with a white woman vs. seeing a less successful, less attractive brotha with a white woman?

30% (36) YES
41% (49) NO
28% (34) It is a slap in the face either way!

119 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that a white woman could ever be capable of loving a black man the way a sister could?

48% (58) YES
51% (61) NO

119 voters have answered this question.

If you answered NO to the previous question...what is the reason?

57% (41) white women cannot fully relate to black men
26% (19) black women are stronger than white women
21% (15) I don't know why
21% (15) Black women are meant to be with black men..period.

71 voters have answered this question.

Most white women feel that they are more attractive than black women.

68% (80) AGREE
31% (37) DISAGREE

117 voters have answered this question.

Most black men feel that white women are more attractive than black women.

47% (56) AGREE
52% (62) DISAGREE

118 voters have answered this question.

In general, what is your opinion of black male/white female relationships?

15% (18) I feel that they are wrong
37% (45) I think people should love who they want
36% (43) I am tired of seeng brothas with white women
11% (14) I think they are great
27% (33) I find them insulting to black women
31% (37) I don't care

119 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever consider dating/marrying a brotha who has previously dated/been married to a white woman?

68% (78) YES
31% (36) NO

114 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that the number of black male/white female relationships will increase in the future?

92% (110) YES
7% (9) NO

119 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that mixed children can be raised well by a white woman?

47% (56) YES
19% (23) NO...a black child needs a black mother
15% (18) NO...white women can never prepare them for the world
17% (20) I don't know

117 voters have answered this question.

Black men who date/marry white women have negative views of black women

63% (73) AGREE
36% (42) DISAGREE

115 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever confront a black man about his envolovement with a white woman?

29% (34) NO...that is childish!
16% (19) NO...I have no problem with it.
25% (29) NO...why would I?
18% (22) YES...I have
10% (12) YES...I would

116 voters have answered this question.

I feel that everyone should love who they want...no matter the color.

75% (88) AGREE
24% (28) DISAGREE

116 voters have answered this question.

I enjoyed this survey

78% (90) AGREE
21% (25) DISAGREE

115 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-05 14:45:58 by Passionfruit
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