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Value of Human/Animal Life

Why are some humans' lives valued more than others? Do animals' lives matter at all, to anyone but me? Please take this poll...
Americans only: True or false, I was more moved by what happened on Sept. 11 2001 than by similar incidents in other countries.
Do some lives matter more to the general public than others? like in the previous question, American lives more than foreign lives?
In the past, the lives of peasants and Native peoples were valued less than the lives of Europeans. Do you agree with this thinking?
In war, many people die. Do you feel that lives of other countries' soldiers don't matter?
Yes, they don't matter.
No, they do matter.
In general, do you agree with war as a method of settling disputes?
In third-world and developing countries, thousands of people starve or die of preventable causes. They live in disgusting conditions and would think that the poorest Westernized life would be heaven. How much do you care about this?
I think about it all the time and try to help.
I think about it all the time.
I think about it sometimes and I want to help.
I think about it sometimes.
I think about it rarely.
I don't care at all.
Is the slaughter of animals for food and clothing justified?
If you answered yes to the previous question, why?
They taste/look/feel good.
They can't protect themselves.
God gave them to us to eat/wear.
They're just animals, they don't matter.
I have been conditioned by society to think that.
I never really thought about it.
Which of the following applies to you?
I eat meat and wear leather/fur.
I don't eat meat but I wear leather/fur.
I eat meat but I don't wear leather/fur.
I am vegetarian and don't wear leather/fur.
I am vegan and don't wear leather/fur.
Why do some people care about pets like cats or dogs but they don't care that they eat or wear cows, pigs, etc.?
Pets are friends.
Pets are soft and cuddly.
Some animals are better than others.
I don't know, I don't understand it either.
Those people are hypocrites.
It's true that many animals eat other animals and this would be happening even without humans on the planet. However, do you agree that humans, being humans, should know better and feel empathy for their fellow beings?
Do animals have souls?
I'm not sure
I don't believe in souls/not religious
This poll was created on 2002-12-27 02:10:07 by cepthatsme