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Relationship when is it right

Looking for the old results?
is he to old, to good looking

How old are you?

57% (4) 14-16
0% (0) 17-20
28% (2) 21-30
0% (0) 31-40
0% (0) 41-50
14% (1) 51 +

7 voters have answered this question.

How are you?

37% (3) A couple
0% (0) Great mates
0% (0) good mates
25% (2) freindly
37% (3) flirty
0% (0) hate eacother (but i secretly like the person)

8 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-03 18:45:07 by Amilie
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