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Did you change diapers before marriage or parenthood?

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I'm interested in knowing how many others changed diapers before tying the knot or having children.

Before getting married and or having children of your own, did you ever have to change a diaper?

98% (314) Yes.
2% (7) No.
0% (1) Can't remember.

319 voters have answered this question.

If you did, what kind of diapers did you change?

40% (130) Cloth diapers.
78% (250) Disposable diapers.
66% (211) Pampers.
52% (168) Huggies.
36% (116) Luvs.
6% (22) Baby Scott.
7% (23) Johnsons.
20% (64) Bargain brand.

319 voters have answered this question.

Were you babysitting or helping a friend or family member with their baby?

79% (253) Babysitting.
58% (186) Helping a family member.
40% (129) Helping a friend.

318 voters have answered this question.

How old was the baby or babies you changed diapers on?

41% (132) 0-6 months.
54% (173) 6-12 months.
51% (165) 12-24 months.
48% (155) 24-36 months.
67% (215) Over 36 months.

318 voters have answered this question.

Was the baby a boy or a girl?

37% (118) Boy.
37% (117) Girl.
50% (157) Both.

314 voters have answered this question.

Was the diaper or diapers wet or dirty?

47% (152) Wet.
34% (110) Dirty.
78% (251) Both.
28% (91) Diarrhea.

319 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you changed diapers for the first time?

40% (127) 6-12 years.
50% (161) 12-18 years.
12% (39) 18-24 years.
5% (16) 24-36 years.
1% (6) Over 36 years.

317 voters have answered this question.

When did it take place?

10% (29) 1960's.
10% (29) 1970's.
19% (56) 1980's.
67% (194) 1990's.

286 voters have answered this question.

Did the particular type of diaper or diapers you changed play a role in, and have an influence on you as to what kind of diapers you were going to use on your own children when you became a parent?

33% (104) Yes.
26% (84) No.
17% (56) Unsure.
12% (38) Kind of.
10% (33) Not really.
6% (20) Absolutely.
5% (18) Definitely.

314 voters have answered this question.

Did someone have to show you how to change the diaper or diapers, or did you already have a good idea as to how to change a diaper?

33% (105) Yes I had to be shown how.
27% (87) No I didn't have to be shown how.
5% (18) Can't remember.
40% (129) I already knew how from watching it done before.

316 voters have answered this question.

What is your gender?

43% (137) Female.
56% (178) Male.

315 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-06-17 19:07:27 by Oldfashionedmom
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