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Gay Parenting

The "gayby boom" is a growing phenomenon in America. As a gay dad, I was curious to see a facet of the lives and opinions of the rest of the GLBT community. Questions will be added every once in awhile; please feel free to make suggestions on the board.
How do you identify yourself when it comes to sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)
If you believe members of the GLBT community should be parents, what's an acceptable way to have a child? (Check all that apply.)
Natural kid from a straight relationship
It's always wrong for gays to have children.
What are the benefits of raising children in a gay family? (Check all that apply.)
It helps children grow into open-minded adults.
It gives children a chance to be individuals.
It's never good.
Other (List on the discussion board.)
What are the negatives of raising kids in a GLBT family? (Check all that apply.)
Isolation from one gender.
Encouraging homosexuality in children.
Being picked on by other kids.
Other (List on the board.)
If you're gay, what is your current parenting role?
I am not a parent, and don't like children.
I am not a parent, like kids, but want none.
I am not a parent and I want kids.
I have kids.
If you're gay and have children, how did you get children? (Check all that apply.)
Adopted babies (children under 3)
Adopted toddlers (between 3 and 5)
Adopted older children (between 5 and 12)
Adopted teens (acne ridden whining demons)
Had children in a straight relationship.
Had children via invetro.
Do you believe one parent should stay at home?
Yes, regardless of the age of the child.
No. Daycares are responsible.
Yes, for children under 6 months.
Yes, for children under a year.
Yes, for children under 3.
Yes, for children under 5.
Yes, for children still in grade school.
Yes, for children still in middle school.
New question added Jan 18! What do you think of trans folk having children? Check all that apply. Note post op means that the person now has the sex organs to match their inward maleness or femaleness. Pre-op means they have their original genitals. MTF stands for male-to-female, a person born with male organs that feels female, and FTM means a person born with female organs that feels male.
A post-op MTF would be a good mother.
A post-op FTM would be a good father.
A pre-op MTF would be a good mother.
A pre-op FTM would be a good father.
Straight MTF's (who like men) would be good moms.
Gay MTF's (who like women) would be good moms.
Straight FTM's (who like women) would be good dads
Gay FTM's (who like men) would be good dads.
I hate trans parenting while I like gay parenting.
I hate this as well as gay parenting.
Another new question. Are lesbians better parents than gay men?
And another. Do children need both male and female influences in the household?
Yes, a man and a woman!
They need at least a butch and femme parent.
Two same sex parents can teach this easily!
They'll learn gender roles from school, etc.
I don't want my children learning this.
New question added Jan 22. If you're a gay man, would you prefer adopting a boy or girl, and why? Check all that apply.
A boy, because I could better relate to a male.
A boy, because a little girl needs a mother.
A boy, because I don't get along with women.
A girl, because I could better relate to a female.
A girl, because a little girl needs a father.
A girl, because I don't get along with men.
Gender doesn't matter.
New question added Jan 22. If you're a lesbian, would you prefer adopting a boy or girl, and why? Check all that apply.
A boy, because I could better relate to a male.
A boy, because a little girl needs a father.
A boy, because I don't get along with women.
A girl, because I could better relate to a female.
A girl, because a little boy needs a father.
A girl, because I don't get along with men.
Gender doesn't matter.
This poll was created on 2003-01-05 19:19:04 by NearandFar