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What do you think about the military?
What do you think when you see a soldier in uniform?
Sexy, sexy, sexy!
Eh, they look like sheep!
I try not to look at them.
Those poor, poor trained killers.
Where is a soldier in uniform? I don't see one! Damned camoflague!
I think of honor, respect, and bravery.
Would you ever join the military?
Sure, sounds like fun to kill some evil terrorists.
Sure, I need some college money.
I would look kick ass in that uniform....
If they paid me enough.
No, I am all about peace, love, and fluffy bunnies.
No way! That camoflague will never go with my eyes!
Of course! I would be proud to serve my country.
Do you think the U.S. should go to war?
Yes, kill them all! Kill, kill kill!
Why not, war sounds fun.
I don't care, as long as they don't bomb my town.
No, war is bloody and messy.
If it is justified, then yes. We must defend ourselves.
What do you think of what soldiers get paid?
They don't get paid enough for the way that they serve this country.
What do they get paid?
They shouldn't pay people to kill!
they get paid? I thought they killed for the fun of it!
What do you think the military really does?
Trains people to kill, kill, kill!
Gives out free college money in exchange for fighting the politicians wars.
Blindly does whatever they are told.
Protects our freedoms and fights for our rights.
Dresses alike and marches around and stuff.
It's a big gay brothel!
This poll was created on 2003-01-10 08:58:39 by Kaliko