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A Glimpse at God

This poll is simply designed to get an idea of what people think about God. If you have any sort of questions, or would simply like to leave your opinions about this poll (or these issues) you can e-mail me at eflodrowski@hotmail.com
Do you belive God:
Does not exist
Cares about the lives of every single person
Cares about humanity as a whole
Exists, but does not care about us at all
Do you think God created:
The entire universe in six 24-hour days
The entire universe over millions of years
Original life, and used evolution to shape it
Only orginal life, then let evolution take over
Nothing at all in the universe
Created the universe, in a way that is explained by science through evolution, big bang theory, etc.
Do you think God wants us to:
Do whatever we want to so we may enjoy ourselves
Acknowledge him, but nothing more
Live a good life based on society's morals
Live a life that is Christ-like
Do you think God is alright with us only coming to him during struggles?
Where you truthful on this poll?
Do you think God wants us to read the Bible everyday, or whenever we think it is a good time to?
Whenever it is a good time
This poll was created on 2003-01-14 18:00:16 by Flowdrow