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This is to see what guys think is more attractive in females

What first attracts you to a female

37% (71) eyes
27% (52) smile
20% (38) hair
46% (87) looks in general
23% (44) figure
21% (41) personality
16% (31) what she's wearing

189 voters have answered this question.

Which color hair do you find more attractive

28% (53) blonde
36% (69) brown
12% (23) black
5% (10) red
0% (1) bright colors (like pink, green, blue)
17% (32) I'm not fussed

188 voters have answered this question.

What length hair do you prefere on a women you're dating

3% (7) short
42% (79) long
38% (72) medium
15% (30) it doesnt matter

188 voters have answered this question.

What color eyes do you find most attractive

34% (66) blue
20% (39) brown
5% (10) grey
12% (23) green
26% (51) it doesnt bother me

189 voters have answered this question.

What type of figure do you find most attractive on a girl

50% (95) slim
17% (33) a little extra weight
1% (3) chubby
15% (29) medium build
1% (3) large
7% (14) personality is more important
5% (11) I dont care

188 voters have answered this question.

Which look do you find sexier

51% (98) casual
25% (49) dressed-up
2% (5) goth
8% (16) skimpy/clubbing look
2% (5) skater
8% (16) im not fussed

189 voters have answered this question.

I would prefere to date someone who is

28% (52) georgous with no personality
54% (100) fat and pretty with a fantastic personality
17% (32) ugly and skinny with a fantastic personality

184 voters have answered this question.

WHich one of these do you find more attractive

22% (43) a female wearing nothing at all
39% (73) a female wearing only her underwear
8% (15) a female in a uniform
3% (7) a female in leather
11% (22) a female in skimpy clothes
14% (27) a female dressed conservitavly

187 voters have answered this question.

Height wise for girls you prefere her to be

3% (7) taller then you buy a little bit
1% (3) taller then you by a lot
14% (28) the same height as you
63% (120) shorter then you by a little bit
11% (21) shorter then you by a lot
5% (11) im not fussed

190 voters have answered this question.

which of these things is most important in a partner

7% (15) high sex drive
16% (31) honesty
11% (21) great looks
31% (60) great personality
32% (61) someone you can talk to openly

188 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-17 09:10:49 by Isys
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